Want to look prettier? Want to feel absolutely stunning? Want to turn heads with your beauty? Want to have many friends and be surrounded by people who really care about you? Who wouldn’t right? It is simple, worry less about make-up, clothes and the latest trends and focus on what you can give to the world. Kindness is the most beautiful thing you can wear and thinking of others is the most attractive thing you can do. Be kind and considerate, never talk badly about people, do not judge, put others needs first, offer to help someone, be nice to or stand up for someone who gets picked on, start a kindness campaign and vow to be compassionate to everyone you meet…. THIS will make you more beautiful! BE the type of person you wish you had around you. BE the person that people look up to. BE the compassionate friend that everyone counts on. BE the one who sets a standard for kindness and generosity. BE beautiful and Live Inspired Now.

“Like happiness, beauty is a choice, not a result. It comes from an inner desire to put others first, to never judge and to offer kindness even when it doesn’t come easy. You can choose to be beautiful and that choice shines through for the world to love.”

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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