
Tired of the “ups and downs” in your relationship? Are you constantly out of balance? Does he threaten to leave while you beg “no-no-no” because you know you are going to fall hard? Or maybe you are wishing to get off the seesaw but you don’t want to drop him? It’s a vicious cycle until you decide to get OFF the ride and make changes in your relationship!

The first thing you need to do is communicate well. Talking isn’t enough. You have to know how to speak so your partner will really listen to what you have to say. Yelling, sarcasm, passive-aggressive, and ignoring are not forms of effective communication, they are however a great way to make your partner feel “unheard.”

The second thing you need is a purpose. All great relationships know what they are working toward. Unfortunately, most people just get together because “it feels good.” Well the feelings of “love” are not enough. You also need trust, respect, dedication, integrity, and a clear purpose.

The third thing you need is a plan for tough times. Nobody ever thinks they will have problems, or even break up, so they never have a plan in place for when things go to hell in a hand-basket! Life happens and if you expect it to always be perfect, you are setting yourself up for failure. Have some discussions about what to do in the event of an emergency, or who will make the final decision when you can’t agree on something. (My YOU’RE NOT MY REAL MOM! program has a family checklist that puts it all on paper so you can discuss and decide who is in charge of what. This program is really beneficial for ANY type of family!)

And lastly, you need someone to help you through all of this! If you are having challenges in your relationship and you want to try something that actually works, give me a call! Don’t spend years in couples counseling… it doesn’t work. I will teach you the tools to communicate effectively, help you find a purpose or create a family mission statement, and show you how to plan for the unexpected! I will also teach you how to feel like kids again without the games! You can have passion and excitement just like when you first fell in love! The only requirement is that you WANT to make changes. So get off the seesaw, contact me today, fix your relationship, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Just in case you needed a little pick me up, this is it! You woke up today… so did billions of other people! That is something worth feeling grateful about! That is something worth celebrating even! In honor of life, do something FUN today! Get out of your head and get engaged in the real world around you! Smile at someone, flirt with the girl you have a crush on, send an email to an old friend that you miss, call your mother, pet kittens at the SPCA, go for a walk, send your husband a sexy text message, pack bagged lunches and deliver to a homeless person, start writing a book, close your eyes and take a deep breath, eat cake, or maybe just go spend a few quiet moments alone so you have the courage to do any of these things.

Just live, experience life, and stop being afraid to LOVE. You are here for a reason, you might not even know your own purpose and that is OK. Have faith, be grateful for another day to discover your purpose, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


My “Mom’s Musings” message to the kids today!

Wishes are great, but sitting on your butt waiting for a magic genie to deliver wishes is the biggest way to feel disappointed by your own life! If you want something, go out there and get it! YOU create your own life with your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and ACTIONS! Don’t just make a wish, take inspired action to make your dreams come true and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!



Getting divorced? Getting re-married? Or maybe you are already a “step” family and you are ready to throw it all away because your family is not functioning well? HELP HAS ARRIVED!!! I just released my new program: You’re Not My Real Mom; Proven strategies for the success of your blended family and it is awesome!

Your eCourse will contain an eBook with bonus videos, homework and success strategies to get your family on track. Go at your own pace!

You will also have access to our secret support group on facebook. Look at what people are already saying about this ONE OF A KIND course:

“You’re Not My Real Mom” is truly a must buy if you are in ANY kind of family! I don’t know of any other program out there that can cover issues like she does…it’s as if she knows your family’s issues personally. Not only is it helpful and full of really practical information, but Heather’s teaching style is fun and makes it easy to learn! I will recommend this program to any of my friends who decide to get remarried so they can have the best possible start to creating a happy, healthy, step family!” -Heather Westover-Petruzzi; NY

“Heather was my coach before I started the course so I already knew it would be good before I started. Although not everything was directly relevant to me now (as am just post divorce) I found it useful getting an overview of situations and how to handle them before I find myself in that position. A large portion of the info was very relevant regardless of marital situation though – thanks again Heather!”  -TM; Israel

“The most important thing I learned is to communicate with your children and spouse, and spouses children to help the kids through any transition and so you and your spouse have the same idea when it comes to each other’s kids.” -MR; PA

Do not wait another moment before getting your family back on track! Your family CAN be happy, healthy, and functional… no matter what type of family you are! Check out the new course… you will be very HAPPY that you did!


Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Photo on 7-31-14 at 3.42 PM

Recently a Facebook fan made a remark about my “perfect life,” and how easy it would be to be happy and inspired if they had such a perfect life too. Really? Me? Perfect life? Not so much! So I took this picture to show you how I am feeling today in particular. I have a summer cold. I have no make up on. My hair is frizzy. And today, I am fighting the urge to just go back to bed!

It is absolutely true that on Facebook, I post only positively motivated posts. I don’t like to share anything negative because I believe in the Law of Attraction which teaches us that what we put out into the world is what we get back. So yes, I am very careful about posting anything negative but that doesn’t mean that I am 100% positive and happy at all times. Far from it in fact, I get pissed off, irritated, and down right cranky sometimes…. BUT I refuse to LIVE there! I refuse to spend too much time in any one negative emotion such as sadness, anger, self-doubt or fear. When I have these feelings, I allow myself to feel them, work out WHY I am feeling them, process through the feeling, then let it go. If I wanted to hold onto it, I would refuse to acknowledge how I really feel, never figure out the real reason for feeling that way, and then post all over Facebook about how crappy I felt. Then, I could commiserate with tons of people who also wallow in self-pity! But that is just not my style!

So instead, I only post happy thoughts, positive posts, and I do my best to inspire others. No, I won’t complain about the huge pile of dirty laundry in my room, or the cranky teenager that was just snarky to me, or trying to figure out how to manage the schedules for 6+ people all summer, or the non stop driving for Mom’s Taxi service because none of my kids have drivers licenses yet, and no, I won’t even complain about the never-ending projects involved in getting our new home renovated. But know this…. just because I don’t complain about things doesn’t mean my life is perfect. It does however mean that I will continue to choose to focus on what I am grateful for, and for the fact that I woke up today!

I don’t live my life in ball gowns and glass slippers. I live my life one moment at a time, doing the best I can, and making the most of it! I am grateful for magic moments, date nights, and laughs. I am also grateful for the hardships because it gives me the opportunity to be resilient, and to appreciate the good times! So please, don’t ever think that my life is perfect…. my life is just like yours. In fact, don’t think anyone else has a perfect life… life isn’t about being perfect. It’s about connecting with others, being happy, and loving.

It’s all in what you choose to focus on, and devote your time to. Give your time to things that make you feel good, focus on the positive, get through the negative and move past it, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!