Last week Thad took Harry to California for “Vidcon,” a 2 day video conference dedicated to video websites and online stars. When they first arrived, they were handed badges to fill out and wear throughout the conference. The badge had a place for your name, video channel, and your passion.

Thad sent me the picture above, he listed ME as his “passion.” During the conference, Thad went by the Spreecast booth and one of the women, Molly, noticed his passion and remarked that she knew of an “Inspired Heather Paris!” Thad proudly told her that was the same Heather and they talked all about me and my Three Goddesses business that I share with my friend Jodi. It was unbelievably cool to me that Thad got noticed because of my name 3500 miles away at a conference but the coolest part was that my husband listed ME as his passion.

I was extremely emotional that entire day, and grateful for such a wonderful husband. I reflected on how dedicated we are to putting one another first and how we work at keeping our relationship in the forefront of our lives at all times. This is why I have dedicated my life to helping others, because I want everyone to know happiness the way I do; to be able to really experience life and enjoy every moment. To put suffering aside and open up to love and healing. Prioritize your relationships with people you care about because nothing, I mean nothing, is more important than the relationships you have.

During times of crisis, at scary moments, and at the end of a person’s life, NOBODY ever wishes for more work or more money. In those moments of deep reflection, everyone wishes for the people they love. Who are you passionate about? Who will you wish to be close to in times of crisis? Does this person know how you feel? Let them know, share your passion with the world and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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