
There is a common theme among couples that don’t get along. Does any of this sound familiar? 

“He doesn’t bring me flowers.”
“He doesn’t do the dishes.”
“She never visits me at work.”
“She doesn’t compliment me.”


The common theme is the complaint.

Many times a relationship can be turned around simply by asking “what does he / she do RIGHT?” 

He may not send you flowers at work, but how does he make up for this? In other words, what DOES he do?

He may not send flowers but does he scrape the snow and ice off of your car in the winter? She may not be quick to compliment but does she greet you at the door when you get home and ask how your day was?

Relationships are often turned around completely and easily when couples simply focus on the good in one another. I know that is sounds painfully simple, but it can be difficult for a couple to do once they’ve gotten lazy about their relationship. 

Try this….

Wake up each day, turn to your partner and ask, “How can I make your day better today?” 

Then do it!

Many times we don’t meet our partners needs simply because we don’t know what they are! So ask!

“How can I make your day better today?” 

Your partner may like the question and choose to ask you too!

Try it!

I’d love to hear how this goes for you! Need help? Hit me up on Facebook or at my info below and don’t forget to follow our journey on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Call or Text: 607-592-6291 
Email me:
Follow me on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

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Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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