Having an office space set up and organized properly is vital to your professional success! Feng Shui is the Chinese art of furniture placement to improve ones positive “qi” and in an office, it could improve productivity and income! A few office Feng Shui for wealth tips are:

  1. Place a picture of a lake, waterfall or any other water scene on one of the walls in your wealth corner. Water represents energy flow.
  2. Use an aquarium or small fountain if you prefer.
  3. Place a green, smooth-leafed plant (e.g., a jade plant) on a shelf in this corner. You can substitute an artificial plant if you tend to neglect live ones. The allusion to growing wealth is obvious.
  4. Place other symbols of wealth in the corner. They can include:
    • red eggs symbolizing wealth creation
    • a red envelope containing several coins
    • three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon
    • a pearl or anything spherical (to curb unbridled ambition)
    • a wheel or bell representing power
    • a symbol or picture of red fish symbolizing wealth
    • a lotus flower symbolizing great achievements from humble beginnings
    • In addition, you can place a decorative jar of water near the entrance to your office.
  5. Make sure all items in your feng shui wealth areas pertain to wealth. In term of office feng shui, they might include a bookshelf with all your business or wealth creation books, your business computer, your diplomas and business awards.
These are just a few tips but there are tons online that can help you create an amazing, wealth creating space! So today, feng shui your office and Live An Inspired Life!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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