Ooooohhhhh boy am I excited for all the magic in this new year!!! Seriously, life is so magical, amazing, and fantastic if we allow it to be!

The easiest way to start allowing the magic in, is to invite the haters out! Watch and share today’s super short video and step up into a whole new level of happiness….. without the negative emotions that other people may try and throw your way!

Watch it, share it, comment, and live inspired now!



Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Have you ever been so fed up with something that you just had to walk away? Last night I chose to quit a “professional” group that I belonged to.

For months, I have been dreading going to the meetings because there was so much tension between some of the members and I didn’t want to be in a stressful environment. I continued to go however, because most of the members are great people and I really enjoyed seeing them. The tension continued to escalate and recently it turned into a full-fledged drama!

I took a step back and asked myself these questions:

Is being part of this group serving me, my family, or my business?
Is being part of this group helping me grow as a person?
Is being part of this group making me happy?

The answer to ALL 3 questions was an emphatic “no, not any more!” I had joined the group to network with like-minded professionals, and to have fun, but this was no longer the case. It was hard for me to walk away because I felt like I was walking away from some people who I cared about, but I spoke with them privately and explained why I could no longer stay and they completely understood.

So at last nights meeting, amid a hostile conversation between a couple of members in dispute, I raised my hand to take my turn to speak. When it was my time, I went to the front of the room and stood in front of the entire group and said something akin to this:

“I quit. I can no longer be part of a group that participates in drama, and the discouragement of its members. I love the relationships that I have developed in this group and I will continue to maintain those relationships outside of this club. I will not have my name associated with an organization that I feel does not have at least the same level of integrity that I try to have for myself.”

Whoa! You have no idea how impossible that would have been for me to say a few years ago when I was more concerned with people liking me than doing what was right for myself. I used to be so paralyzed with the fear of people being mad or disappointed with me and it kept me in relationships that were toxic for far too long. I felt very empowered! Thank goodness that I found MY voice and can self advocate now!

I share this with the hopes of inspiring YOU to find your voice and to be brave enough to walk away from people or places that don’t serve you, help you grow, or make you happy. Life is too short to lose yourself to the drama or meanness of other people. Find your voice, walk away if you need to, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Just in case you needed a little pick me up, this is it! You woke up today… so did billions of other people! That is something worth feeling grateful about! That is something worth celebrating even! In honor of life, do something FUN today! Get out of your head and get engaged in the real world around you! Smile at someone, flirt with the girl you have a crush on, send an email to an old friend that you miss, call your mother, pet kittens at the SPCA, go for a walk, send your husband a sexy text message, pack bagged lunches and deliver to a homeless person, start writing a book, close your eyes and take a deep breath, eat cake, or maybe just go spend a few quiet moments alone so you have the courage to do any of these things.

Just live, experience life, and stop being afraid to LOVE. You are here for a reason, you might not even know your own purpose and that is OK. Have faith, be grateful for another day to discover your purpose, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Wow! This has been quite the week… my 19 year old daughter Madison jumped out of a plane at 10,000 feet above the earth! I have felt relatively weird ever since. I have been a roller coaster of emotions since she landed safely, but what exactly have I been emotional about? I wasn’t quite sure at first, it took me a couple of days of reflection to really get to the root of what was going on. It had nothing to do with fear, in fact, I was completely relaxed and confident when she jumped. I knew without a doubt that not only would she be fine, but she would truly love the experience and be better for having done it.

So what was going on with my emotions? There were a couple of different things going on. First, was the sheer awe that I felt, that it was ME that created such a kick ass kid. I kept thinking back to when she was born and my life at the time was pure chaos and fear. As a young mother of 22 and married to an alcoholic, I really had no clue what I was doing. I think I was a pretty decent mom giving the circumstances I had created for myself, but I fell short often. I was so far from perfect, yet I raised this amazing young woman. I am grateful that she is making healthy choices for her life, and even more grateful that she and I are so very close.

The second thing I was feeling pretty emotional about was seeing Madison live life through the fear instead of letting it hold her back. Most people will never jump out of a plane and that is OK. But too many people will let other fears rule their life. Things like staying stuck in a crappy job they hate because they are too afraid to look for something else. Or people who are too afraid to love because they are stuck in the loss that they once felt. Or the people who resign themselves to mediocre living because they are too afraid to take a risk, or be judged by others. I was one of those people when I was Madison’s age and I now wonder what potential I might have had if I had a Mom like myself to encourage me to take life by the balls! Don’t get me wrong, my parents were not bad parents or people, but they were, and are, very different than me. I wonder if I would have been like Madison… brave.

I told you it was quite the week! lol. I am grateful for who I am today. I am grateful that I wasn’t brave back then because I might not have Madison now! I am grateful that I did discover my personal power and freedom.

Are you still struggling? Have you decided to take life by the balls yet? You might not want to jump out of a plane, but you CAN step outside of the box and create a freakin’ awesome life for yourself, no matter what age you are now! You CAN also “re-parent” yourself. That is to say that you can change how you feel about something that happened when you were a young person. Your “inner child” is still within you, and you can help her/him heal. You can parent you own inner child in able to let go of the past that is holding you back today.

Take a look at the things you are too afraid to do today. Trace them back to the original incident that created the fear. Then have a conversation with yourself about that incident and what it meant. Tell your younger self that is OK, you are allowed to process the feelings, and then let go of them. Tell your younger self that you are allowed to release the pain it caused. Spend some time really nurturing your younger self. Cry, laugh, yell, or do whatever comes to you… then heal.

If you need help letting go of the past that is holding back your present, please reach out to me today. Don’t let another day, week, year, decade go by without truly living and loving life and all it has to offer. Life can be SO magical when you are brave enough to take some risks and step into your own greatness. Get past your past, reach out today, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!



Heather will be speaking at the Inspiring Confidence and Empowerment conference at Natur-Tyme in Syracuse, NY on Thursday, June 12, 2014, from 5:00 – 6:00pm.

Please join Heather for this engaging and witty talk about creating more happiness in your family. Heather talks about inspiration vs. motivation, the power of positivity, how to build self-esteem, and even how to communicate more confidently so people, even your kids, will listen!

Happiness, confidence, and laughter…. what more would you want in a one hour talk?

FREE to all but seating is limited! Call Natur-Tyme to reserve your seat: (315) 488-6300, or email at and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!