If you are looking to other people to make you feel worthy, you will always be disappointed. You are worthy of love and happiness and you find that by being kind to yourself. Love yourself, use kinds words about yourself, don’t put yourself in abusive relationships, don’t take the words of others personally, focus on things you are grateful for, and never settle for less than you deserve because you are lonely! Even alone, YOU are worthy, special, and valuable and YOU need to believe that before anyone else will. Others will eventually get tired of “lifting you up,” all the time, you have to value yourself. It is OK to lean on others in moments of need, but you don’t want to be constantly “needy.”
Today, make a list of all your greatest qualities, post it prominently, read it daily and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Failing one time doesn’t make you an expert at it. You have to keep trying if you want to get really good at failing! You may ask yourself, “why would you want to be good at failing?” Failure allows us to grow, to learn, and to find or create new opportunities. Here are 4 reasons why it is good to fail:

1 EXPERIENCE: Failing builds your experience and with experience, wisdom follows. The more you fail, the more you learn what to do (and what not to do). Wisdom and experience will get you farther in life than education alone. Experience helps us learn and grow as people. Find the lesson in every failure and enjoy the knowledge that comes with it.

One fails forward toward success.  ~Charles F. Kettering

2 PERSEVERANCE: If you keep trying after a failure, then you are learning a valuable lesson in perseverance. It is extremely rare to try something for the first time and be instantly good at it. For example, the first time you try to play piano, you will not sound like Beethoven. However, if you persevere and stick with it, you will eventually become a talented musician and will enjoy the music you are playing. This is a valuable lesson to teach, especially to kids today who expect (and often get) everything instantly.

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.  ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

3 FAMOUS FAILURES: You will be in good company. Every millionaire and billionaire has failed;  rather than quit, they let the failure motivate them to keep going until they achieved what they wanted. Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, JK Rowling, Steven Spielberg, Marilyn Monroe, Oprah Winfrey, Stephen King, Henry Ford, Vincent Van Gogh, and so many more are great examples of people who failed first, kept going, and eventually changed the world.

Failure is an event, never a person.  ~William D. Brown

4 COURAGE: Like the people in #3, if you keep going after failure, you clearly have courage! In a society often paralyzed by fear, you will stand out and be noticed if you are courageous. Standing out often brings opportunities.

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.  ~Henry Ford

So, enjoy your failures and know they are stepping stones to greatness. Learn the lessons they teach, join the ranks of the great failures before you, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

You are more powerful than you think! Your hands are proof of this.  Your hands pick up your baby when he is learning to walk. Your hands hold your partner’s hand when you walk down the aisle after saying, “I do.” Your hands wash the blood from many cut knees. Your hands wipe the tears away from a bullied child’s cheek. Your hands cover your eyes when you are too afraid to look. Your hands caress a lover and made them feel important. Your hands steer the car that delivers your family safely to the mall. Your hands gently gather broken objects and put them back together. Your hands swing the hammer that builds the new table. Your hands clean the dishes that you use on pizza Fridays. Your hands rub your partners feet when they are sore after working all day. Your hands create the arts and crafts that everyone admires. Your hands communicate when words are not an option. Your hands pet your animals so they know they are loved. Your hands slap high fives in encouragement of others. Your hands give a pat on the back. Your hands pull your loved one close.
You are more powerful than you think…. today, lend a hand and Live Inspired Now!
Thank you to Monique B for the gorgeous artwork and the inspiration! 

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Last week Thad took Harry to California for “Vidcon,” a 2 day video conference dedicated to video websites and online stars. When they first arrived, they were handed badges to fill out and wear throughout the conference. The badge had a place for your name, video channel, and your passion.

Thad sent me the picture above, he listed ME as his “passion.” During the conference, Thad went by the Spreecast booth and one of the women, Molly, noticed his passion and remarked that she knew of an “Inspired Heather Paris!” Thad proudly told her that was the same Heather and they talked all about me and my Three Goddesses business that I share with my friend Jodi. It was unbelievably cool to me that Thad got noticed because of my name 3500 miles away at a conference but the coolest part was that my husband listed ME as his passion.

I was extremely emotional that entire day, and grateful for such a wonderful husband. I reflected on how dedicated we are to putting one another first and how we work at keeping our relationship in the forefront of our lives at all times. This is why I have dedicated my life to helping others, because I want everyone to know happiness the way I do; to be able to really experience life and enjoy every moment. To put suffering aside and open up to love and healing. Prioritize your relationships with people you care about because nothing, I mean nothing, is more important than the relationships you have.

During times of crisis, at scary moments, and at the end of a person’s life, NOBODY ever wishes for more work or more money. In those moments of deep reflection, everyone wishes for the people they love. Who are you passionate about? Who will you wish to be close to in times of crisis? Does this person know how you feel? Let them know, share your passion with the world and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

“When the mind is the master, you live in a hell. When you are the master of your mind, you live in the land of the Buddhas.” -Bodhidharma

I have been given plenty of opportunities over the past few weeks to practice detachment from things and controlling my mind. On Monday, I had a bit of an accident. As I was putting dishes away at home a large cabinet ripped loose from the wall and fell on top of me and shattered all of my fine china.

My mother is a real estate agent and she sold a mansion once when I was younger. It was an incredible place and I was happy to sit in the kitchen and keep her company while she did an open house. While she was showing potential buyers around, I looked in awe at the beautiful dishes in the “butler pantry.” They were hand painted with flowers in my favorite colors of pink and green. I remember thinking how lovely they were and imagining them being used at fancy dinner parties. Several years later, I was working as a case manager and an elderly client of mine walked into my office with a box full of dishes she was throwing away. She showed them to me and asked if I wanted any. Sitting there on the pile were two of these beautiful pink and green flowered dishes and she let me have them. That was how I got my first pieces; for the next 20 years I collected the “Franciscan Ware, dessert rose pattern” dishes a little at a time. My mom would find pieces here and there in antique shops and send them to me and I would mix in some new pieces as I could afford them.

My collection had grown even bigger than the one I originally saw in that mansion and now it all laid smashed over my head and on my floor. I laid across the floor in the broken glass, looking at the small pool of blood next to my hand and at that moment knew, I have nothing. For as much as I thought I had been detached, I hadn’t been, but now I was. I have nothing, I own nothing, and I control nothing and although I was in physical pain, it was a very freeing feeling. Bleeding and crying, my girls helped me up and got me an ice pack for my foot that had been smashed by the cabinet when it fell. I cleaned up my hand and called Thad who was in California on business. Then I called my Mom to let her know what happened. Besides my Franciscan Ware, the cabinet was home to all of my crystal stemware that my mother gave me. She had collected these hand blown glasses one at a time when we lived in Germany in the 70’s and they were extremely expensive. My mom was bummed but she was more concerned that I was OK and she said “well now I have an excuse to hit the antique stores to build up your collection again!”

The girls helped me clean up the giant mess and we all talked about how accidents happen and that is part of life. I for one am very grateful that the kids had not been standing nearby when this happened! I suffered a broken toe, a very sore foot and a cut on my hand but otherwise, fine! It could have been much worse. As much as it sucked to lose all of my collection, I lost much more than that… I lost my attachments and that was a blessing. I controlled my mind by letting go of the pain that can only come from attachment to things and I helped my kids see the lesson in the incident. They were very grateful that I was OK and they all expressed the “life is short so live it to the fullest” sentiments. We had some very nice reflections afterwards and it felt good to help my kids see the lesson rather than focus on the drama.

So today, practice being in control of your mind, try not to make attachments to things, or outcomes and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris
Inspired Life Coach | Author | Speaker

PS: I am pretty sure I will be scheduling a workshop soon about controlling the mind and ways to detach so please continue to check back often! 🙂

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!