Our family mission is built around generosity and helping others. We take steps to instill these values in our children too. Generosity is not something people are born with. In fact, we are born rather selfish. Babies come in to the world equipt to get their needs met, not to give back. This is a trait we must help them develop over the years. Here are 3 ways to teach kids to become generous adults:

1 Explain the concept: Some kids may have no idea that there are people who go without or people who need help. Make kids aware of reality without scaring them. Using age appropriate language, let them know that many people around the world live in poverty. Explain your reasons for helping: it makes you feel good to give back, it is nice to give toys to kids who don’t have any, or it makes you sad to see people who don’t have food and you want to help. Ask them to try and explain how they might feel if they had to go without. Ask them how they might want to help and why. 

2 Get kids involved: When doing charity or donating to a cause, allow the kids to be a part of it. If donating money, ask them to donate some and you will match their donation. No matter the amount, even if they donate a few cents, praise them for doing so! If you volunteer, sign them up to work too! You can give them a few options to choose from, but let them know the entire family will be volunteering. Be sure to praise whatever they have done! (Some kids may be shy at first, even if they don’t fully embrace their role, praise them for being part!)

3 Let kids be creative givers: Allow the kids to come up with ideas on how they can help! They may want to make cards for kids in the hospital, or draw pictures for soldiers, collect pennies that they find to donate, or maybe they want to bring a little extra something in their lunchbox to give to a friend who doesn’t have much. There are so many ways that kids are creative, allow them to use their imagination and they will be far more invested in being generous.

Modeling generosity will always be the very best way to raise generous kids. It’s not the amount that you give; rather, the spirit of generosity that they will inherit. Be generous with your time and resources, allow the kids to play a role, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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