Join me today at 11:00am with my co-host Jodi Brichta-Coyne as we discuss how to eat to feel wonderful! We have 2 guest hosts joining us today. Health and Fitness expert, Coach Dale Acciavatti and Health and Wealth Energy Coach Sarah Louise. 
Health and nutrition has become very confusing with all these new terms and rules: GMO, organics, natural, stevia sweetener, and everyone seems to have a different opinion on how to eat right. Join us today and take the confusion out of it all! Have your questions ready, we will try to answer them all! 

Today, July 11th at 11am (eastern)  FREE on spreecast:

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Yesterday I was going to post about patience but then ran out of time and decided to purposely “test” my patience so I would have more to contribute to the post. It worked! While spending a long day cleaning, mowing lawns, shuttling kids to and fro and, doing it all on a very hot and humid day, I was able to maintain my patience. I gave this post a great deal of thought throughout the day, and here is what I came up with!

1. Determine what/when/where/why you are impatient! Maybe you are impatient with your kids in the morning but no other time of day. Perhaps you are only impatient at work or while driving. Spend a few days really taking note of the people, times of day, or situations that cause you the most stress. You will be able to move on to step 2 if you know what makes you impatient.

2. Set yourself up for success whenever possible! Look for proactive solutions that will remove your impatience triggers. For example: If you know it is the morning rush that makes you most impatient, get up an hour earlier, or lay out the kids clothes the night before, or get a coffee pot with an auto start, etc. Your kids will think you hit your head when you are calm, cool and collected and not barking at them to hurry hurry hurry!

3. Set yourself up for acceptance when you fail! OK, so you won’t always be proactive and set the clothes out the night before. Or even if you do set the clothes out, once in awhile something will happen to mess up your best intentions. When this happens, here is your plan: Take deep breaths, assess the situation, make peace with it, and then move forward. Give yourself a break, we are all humans and even the most enlightened of us will lose our patience sometimes. Step 4 will help you make peace when things are out of your control.

4. Take control of the situation by being in control of YOU! When things do get out of hand and your patience has run out, instead of globalizing about how bad everything has become, start to question yourself. Ask yourself a few questions that will help de-escalate the situation such as: Do I have any control over this situation? Will yelling or freaking out really make anyone move faster? Will swearing at the driver in front of me really make him turn? Recognize that you have no control over other people, only yourself. Anxiety, impatience, and stress are “brothers” and they lead to strained relationships, poor health, and disease; start to take steps to avoid them as much as possible! When you start to ask the right questions, you can reason with yourself about the situation.

5.  Surround yourself with patient people as often as possible.  The saying, “You are a product of your surroundings” is completely true.  If you are surrounded by other impatient people, you will tend to behave impatiently, as well.  Try moving to a different check out line or drive in the “slow lane” to avoid those impatient people around you.  Often times, it may be impractical to completely avoid impatient people (spouses, family members, coworkers, etc…).  Instead, try telling them how much better you feel when you practice patience.  Share these five steps with them so they can also experience it for themselves.

A few years ago, I decided to examine my own impatience.  I determined that I get most impatient in the morning when I am trying to get the day started. I had to get the kids fed and ready for school, make their lunches, write and post my blog, as well as, eat, shower, and get ready for my day. My impatience was in the form of rushing around and getting very frustrated at the kids for going too slow and I was often late for my job at the school. My proactive solutions were to start showering before bed, Thad took over making school lunches and I woke the kids up a little earlier. (The walks out to the bus stop were so much more relaxed and it became a really nice bonding time for me and my younger kids!) At that time, I was driving the teenagers, since I worked at their school. I informed them that my car was leaving the yard at a certain time and if they were not in it, I would leave without them. I was calm yet firm and put the responsibility on them rather than getting impatient every morning and trying to control their every move. My daughter, Madison, missed her ride to school twice and both times she called and begged me to drive home and get her but I refused and patiently explained that I was responsible for getting to work on time and could not accommodate her. (You have no idea how much stress this took off of me!) I could have gone in the bathroom and yelled at her as she showered to “hurry up, hurry up,” but chances are she wouldn’t have been able to go faster while someone was shouting at her. Nor would this have made either one of us feel very good about it.
Just be clear with your expectations, say what you mean and mean what you say, then follow through. When you can’t control the situation, move forward knowing you have done what you said you were going to do and be grateful that you didn’t lose patience. Other people will say, do, and think what they want, that is out of your control. A strong person controls him or herself and doesn’t let the stress of a situation drive their emotions. Things will happen to test your patience and we can’t always remain calm, but the more you do, the better you get at it.
Create healthy habits by practicing patience, set yourself up for success as much as possible and Live Inspired Now!

The stress caused by impatience can damage your relationships. Becoming more patient will take time and practice.  If you would like some extra support while learning to become more patient and stress free, please contact me today!

*Thank you to my amazing husband Thad Paris for helping me write this post!*

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Today I will test my patience… and maybe yours! lol. So I wanted to write about patience today but several things are hindering my post. My photo program crashed so I can’t add my website to the picture above. (Small detail I know, but integral to my marketing plan! lol) Then, I miscalculated my morning and am officially out of time before I have to leave for an appointment. Lastly, my biggest challenge in patience…. I will be spending the day with 7+ kids in our old (empty) house trying to get it clean and mow the lawn so it will be ready for the new buyers!
So to test YOUR patience…. I will not be posting my article 5 ways to maintain patience until tomorrow! 🙂 Will you be patient and return tomorrow? I hope so because I think I will have some very valuable information to share after I have thoroughly tested my patience today! Have a super day folks… please come back tomorrow and learn how to have more patience and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

My12 year old Carrie had a friend over recently to spend the night. After returning Carries friend back home, her mom texted me to tell me that her daughter said of her visit: “I love how in love Thad and Heather are!” How sweet is it that a 12 year old young lady can appreciate a couple in love. It warmed my heart and of course got me thinking….
I spent years as a single mother, my kids never really got to see me in a relationship until a few years ago when Thad and I got together. I am so grateful to be an example of how to have a loving, compassionate, unselfish relationship for my kids.
If you are in a bad relationship, SO ARE YOUR KIDS! They hear, see, feel, and will emulate the relationship you model for them. Be sure that the relationship you have, is one that you would be OK with your kids having. Teach your children to have passion and be compassionate.
Set an example of passion by hugging, kissing, holding hands, smiling, laughing and sitting close or snuggling with one another. It is wonderful for kids to watch their parents happy!
Set an example of compassion by putting your spouses needs first, forgiving mistakes, avoid fighting, and speaking kindly to one another, and about one another.
Pass down the joy and happiness in your relationship to your kids, show them what to look forward to in their future relationships and Live Inspired Now!

Need help getting your relationship on track or ending it with the least possible amount of damage? Contact me today! 

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

I was depressed once; then I remembered who I was and what I loved, and I was cured. I love this quote by Mark Epstein: “Depressed people think they know themselves, but maybe they only know depression.” This quote really speaks to me because many many years ago, I thought I was depressed too, but I really had lost touch with my true self. I had allowed my circumstances to rule my emotions and rather than changing, I slowly let myself slip away. Over time, I forgot how much I loved to laugh, I forgot the intense joy I felt when helping others, I forgot how good I could feel if I took care of myself, I forgot how much I enjoyed walking outside in nature, I even forgot how much I loved to dress up and feel pretty. Nobody had done this to me, nothing had taken my joy away, yet I had lost so much, I blamed others, and I felt “depressed” and unhappy with the way my life was. 
Then one day, in a magical moment, I remembered who I was and what I loved. It hit me instantly, a brief moment of clarity and I was flooded with memories of how much I loved to laugh and to cry! I had not done either in some time, I had been living life completely numbed out, like a zombie. I blamed others for my circumstances, I didn’t think love was real and I numbed out on a low dosage of Zoloft because my doctor told me I was “depressed,”  and I believed him.
That very day, with my moment of clarity, I sped home, dumped the Zoloft in the toilet and never took another pill again! I also stopped drinking soda, stopped eating meat, started to exercise, started listening to high energy music, learned to meditate, hired a personal trainer, dumped the cheaters, abusers and negative people from my life, and moved on!
It is not always an instant epiphany that jolts you from your “depression.” For some people, it might be slow but the point is to recognize those moments of clarity and act on them! When you catch yourself remembering your joy and happiness, don’t suppress it, embrace and encourage it. Nobody can stop you from feeling good except for you! Make a decision to climb out of the mire and get your life back! Some things will take time but the decision to change happens in an instant. Start today and see how different your life looks in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months from now. Stay stuck and you can still be wishing for change in a year…… let TODAY be the day you free yourself from depression, negativity, and self abuse. Start laughing, loving, be YOU again and Live Inspired Now!

Need help? Contact me today and learn the ways to make it happen! Clinical depression is real and can be treated. However, most “depression” today is misdiagnosed and is actually a learned pattern of many bad habits. Habitual depression can be cured with behavior modification, and a desire for change. I look forward to teaching YOU the tools to change your life!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!