What is the cost of inaction in your life? Does it mean you will lose a relationship because you never showed the other person how much they mean to you. Does it mean that you stay overweight and develop diabetes because you never exercised and lost weight? Does it mean you stayed “depressed” because you never hired a coach or did any personal development?

How much is your story worth? Are you saying things like “I can’t afford that workshop” or “I will never have enough money to do what I really want.” The price of inaction is far greater than the amount of money it costs to learn something new and improve your life! The cost of inaction is unhappiness. Money comes and goes, it flows in and out of your life but when you refuse to spend it on things that will enhance your life, you are creating a plug that stops the free flowing nature of money. I am not saying to go and spend like crazy, I am saying INVEST in things that will enhance your life and create more flow. Such as: personal growth and development, classes or workshops, or hiring professional consultants to help you reach your life goals.

Stop sitting on your ass waiting for the right time to do things…
NOW is the time to hire the coach!
NOW is the time to lose the weight!
NOW is the time to create the life you love!
NOW is the time to do some personal development and change your thinking!
NOW is the time to get your life back!
NOW is the time to: (INSERT YOUR GOALS HERE!!!)

Whatever you have NOT been doing… NOW is the time to do it. Stop trying to sell your story of inaction and start creating your amazing life. No matter what you want to do, there is a way to make it happen. Find mentors or people who have achieved what you want, invest in YOUR life, love, and happiness, hire a professional to guide you and Live Inspired Now!

PS: Contact me today if YOU are ready to stop the excuses and start your fabulous life!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Love love love! It is all I can think about today! Besides being in a perpetual state of “in love” myself, I love watching others fall in love. Falling in love is the most exciting, and potentially scary, place to be. There are so many uncertainties which can make you feel vulnerable. Vulnerability may either scare you or excite you depending upon your personality. If you are the type who likes things to always be in place, likes routine, and always wants to feel safe and secure, then vulnerability can be a very scary thing. If you are the type that likes adventure, change, and trying new things then vulnerability might feel very exciting to you.
If you are embarking on a new relationship, even if you are scared, allow yourself to open up to possibilities. Don’t go into a new relationship holding on to the baggage of past break ups. If you do, you are sure to revisit those same “hurts” over and over again. Open up and make yourself vulnerable to the person you love, build your new relationship together, not around walls that already exist. Be completely honest with one another and build your new life on trust, compassion, and understanding. If you hold back, put up walls, and keep your new love at a safe distance, you will not build a lasting relationship. It may work for a short time, but long term it won’t be able to withstand any challenges. So go forth, fall in love, but do it with a complete willingness to open yourself up to the right person and build your relationship on a solid foundation! Enjoy one another, embrace vulnerability, even if it scares you, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

The past few days have been challenging. Rather than getting upset, I am using this time as a great reminder that nothing is permanent…. not even our troubles!

So, a couple of days ago my parents came to visit. I was out all morning at meetings and then stopped at the grocer to get all the ingredients for homemade lasagna and bread from scratch. I rushed home to find the water softener installer guy at the house. I was able to get enough water to start dinner before he shut it off but I was not able to make my famous maple cake. So far, no big deal. Mom and Dad show up and we all ate the delicious meal while talking all about my new baby pygmy goats. After dinner mom went out to see the new babies and I joined her after clearing the table. As I approached my mom informed me that one of my goats was dead. I didn’t want to believe it but it was true… Furio was dead and Frederico was curled up with him crying. Then, as I tended to Frederico and tried to comfort him, I must have squatted down into a mosquito swarm because I was suddenly attacked by tons of mosquitoes who bit me right through my yoga pants! I had about 30 bites all over my legs and my butt! Later that evening, my parents decided NOT to stay out my house because apparently, my house is now overrun with fleas. (We had exterminated the house before we moved in because the previous owner had about 45 feral cats living in the house. Apparently, we need to do it again!) Mom and Dad went and stayed at a hotel for the evening and I went to my room to relax and put the long day behind me. As I brushed my teeth to get ready for bed, a hornet flew into my hair and got stuck! That was the straw that broke the camels back…. I freaked out. I started swatting my hair and inaudibly screaming for Thad to rescue me. He ran to help but the hornet was thrown from my hair and disappeared somewhere in my closet. Covered in calamine lotion, itchy and sad, I felt defeated, I curled up on Thad’s chest and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up with gratitude and appreciation that yesterday was behind me. I spent that day in reflection for all that I am grateful for. If my life were not so completely wonderful, then the bad days would not stand out so much. No matter how bad a moment, a day, or an event seems, it will all be OK. Nothing is permanent and just as troubles come, they also go. The more attached to outcomes we are, the more we will suffer.

I think the Universe wanted to make sure I believed this philosophy because last night, I was awakened by a very loud noise coming from my closet. I jumped up and saw the picture above. After spending a great deal of time unpacking, organizing, hanging, and folding my clothes, my closet collapsed and undid all of my hard work in an instant. My daughter Carrie even helped me by color coding my hanging clothes from lightest to darkest and now they all lay in a heap on the floor. At about 2:30am this morning when this happened, I rolled my eyes, said “whatever” and went back to bed. Today, I got a laugh out of it.

Nothing is permanent, and our attachment to order or desire for control will always leave us feeling unstable or unhappy. Let go; we control nothing, our troubles are not permanent and they will leave us. Go with the flow of life, anger and resentment will never change another persons behavior, it won’t hang your clothes back up, it won’t bring your dead goat back, and it will never make you happy. It’s a bad day, not a bad life, accept what life throws at you, make the most of it, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

The labels we give ourselves are illusions. We are nothing more than one another. We are all energy, derived from the same place, completely connected to everything and everyone else. While we are here, occupying “bodies” we have the ability to choose how we use that energy. For good, bad, love, hate, kindness, compassion, resentment, or anger. No matter how you choose to use your energy in your time here, you are no different than anyone else and only responsible for yourself.
The labels we give ourselves are a reflection of our egos, not our true state of consciousness. It is no different than when our mothers gave us different colored cups. Green for me and blue for my sister. The color of the cup let us know which was ours so there would be no fighting about cups. However, when one of us would want to harass the other, it was now clear how to do it…. drink from the wrong cup. The same is true in life, we give ourselves labels so that we stand out, fit in, feel proud, identify with something better, embrace our heritage, or even to feel powerful. Again, this is just an illusion that feeds the ego. You are so much more than your surface identity or label. These labels more often divide us and keep a wall up that prevents us from embracing and appreciating one another as well as learning to work together toward a common goal…. such as peace for example.
We are all energy, completely connected to one another and to the Universe. Too many people constrict their own potential or abilities because of labels. You are not a black man, a strong woman, a disabled person, a white guy, an army vet, an alcoholic, a ballerina, a stock broker, a homeless bum, a nerd, a jock, or any other label you claim. You may want to identify your physical body with identifiable characteristics but don’t disregard your true essence. You, like everyone, are energy with form, perfectly designed to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. You have more ability and purpose than you realize… release the labels and embrace possibilities!
The ego loves labels but your spirit loves consciousness; awaken your spirit, try new things, figure out what you are truly capable of, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

The moment you try to control someone, you lose the ability to appreciate them. I often hear from people in relationships that their significant other is trying to control them. Maybe by checking up on them continuously, telling them what to say and do, or even by spying or sneaking through their things. If you feel the need to do these things, then you probably should not be in a relationship! If your “loved one” is the type of person to cheat, lie, or manipulate, then make a better choice in partners. If they are honest and trustworthy but you continue to try and control them, they will eventually leave.
The excuse that you have been hurt, cheated on, or used in the past in not a valid reason to mistreat the person you are currently with. Do not make your loved one pay the price for the sins of your EX. Stop looking for the ways your partner is trying to hurt you and start looking at ways to make them feel loved! You are likely to have a much more honest and pure relationship if you focus on honesty, giving, and loving because the other person will always feel loved and appreciated and never want to leave or hurt you. However, if you continue on a path of jealousy, mistrust, dishonesty and control, you are guaranteeing a shorter lived relationship entirely centered in disharmony. You don’t want a chaotic, complicated relationship with fleeting moments of happiness. You want a loving, passion filled relationship that can withstand fleeting moments of challenge. If you prefer the chaos and unhappiness, then perhaps, you are not ready for a mature relationship and should do some self discovery.
No matter what you do or where you are, you have to live with yourself and your thoughts; make them healthy or be a prisoner in your own mind. Relationships are not about anger, resentment or control. Let go and free yourself to love, laugh, and truly enjoy the person you are with…… as well as yourself, and Live Inspired Now!

Please feel free to contact me if you need help getting past negative emotions so you can move forward into a healthy relationship.

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!