Yesterday I was offline because I bought a new laptop and Thad had to transfer all my info over from the old laptop. The process took longer than anticipated so I was without my laptop for most of the day. At first I was a little anxious about being disconnected until I realized that I had an entire day untethered from my constant distraction! It was sort of exciting and as silly as it sounds, I felt FREE! I went to the gym, went to lunch with my husband, practiced piano then went to my lesson, mowed the lawn, meditated, mailed packages and even took a little walk. It felt great to not worry about checking emails, facebook, tweets, and instant messages. I think I forgot what it was like to be “offline.” (I did have my iPhone with me the entire time, but I made a point not to check it.)
Do you need a break from the computer? Personally, I do most of my work online with clients so I couldn’t go too long without it, but I think we all need a break from it once in a while. So if not today, at least plan a day to be “offline.” Take a break from the online distraction, do things in “real life” and Live Inspired Now. 

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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