Score each relationship category on a 1-10 scale, based on the following questions:
(1 = the worst.    10= the best.)

Security: ____
How stable does your relationship feel right now?HUMANNEEDSWHEEL

Emotional Freedom: ____
Does your partner accept you unconditionally?

Recognition: ____
Does your partner make you feel important, needed, desired, or

Spirit: ____
Are you growing together versus apart?

Adventure: ____
Do you have fun and play together or surprise one another?

Love: ____
Do you feel connected emotionally, mentally, socially, and sexually?


0-30: Fix it or lose it!
Time for repairs. It can be done, even if your partner won’t participate! You can’t change him or her, but you absolutely can inspire and influence with some strategies!! Get DIY Relationship Repair now, don’t wait another moment!

31-42: Not bad, but not awesome!
If someone told you their relationship was “not bad” how long would you expect it to last? “Not bad” relationships are easily swayed to awesome, or horrendous by one small thing! You can easily learn how to make sure it becomes awesome! Get DIY Relationship Repair now!

43-60: Level up!
Looks like you are enjoying a nice relationship with someone special! Keep it up by continuing to grow together! Take it to the next level by learning how to create even more magic moments together! Get DIY Relationship Repair now!

Your score doesn’t determine your relationship success, your willingness to learn and grow does!

Get your DIY Relationship Repair course and see RESULTS today!!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

CryG-msWEAAT6RgYou are not at your job because they love you, you are only there because you do a job. You are replaceable.

You are not in your family because they need you to do a job, you are only there because they love you. You are irreplaceable.


Read it again, and let it hit you. Most people do not truly understand this. So please, let this message hit you! YOU are important and cannot be replaced in your family.

Please share this with someone who needs it, and comment to let me know how this feels to you!

If you’ve ever dreamed of helping people turn their lives around, create happiness, or fix their broken relationship or family…. then please consider joining the Live Inspired Now Coach Training!

Experience has made me wise, coaching has shown me how to share that wisdom.

Your friends already come to your for advice…. add these practical coaching strategies to your toolbox and blow your friends mind with your awesomeness! Become a life coach…. get paid for what you already do, and make a huge impact on your world!

Live Inspired Now Coach Training Course

You can use your experience, combined with the skills you learn to help your children, students, friends, family members, or your community!

Join us today and share your gift with the world! 

Love and inspiration,

Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Ohhhhh it’s that FUN time again when I give you questions to ask your significant other to see how well you know each other! If you don’t have a significant other, ask a friend, family member, or your kiddo!

The goal is not to get all the answers right, the goal is to open a dialogue with your partner to share, learn, and bond!! Woooo bonding! Yeah!!!

Here we go! Ask your partner these questions, see if you know the answers, and let the fun begin:

  • What was the last selfless act you performed?
  • When did you cry last?
  • What is your favorite brand or type of shoes and why?
  • How did you feel about middle school?
  • Who would you call if you needed to talk but you couldn’t reach me?
  • Where was your favorite place to visit as a child?
  • If you could only take 3 things with you on a trip for 6 months, what would you take?
  • What would be the title of a book all about you?
  • What was your all time favorite childhood toy?
  • If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
  • Which piece of modern technology would you completely eliminate and why?

Remember this is not a contest, it’s an opportunity to share, learn, and grow together. I would love to hear how it goes, just leave your comment at the bottom of this page!

Experience has made me wise, coaching has shown me how to share that wisdom.

If you are ready to join the mission to raise emotional intelligence and teach others how to as well, please learn more about the Live Inspired Now Coach Training and get your FREE 6 Day Mini Coaching Course:

Live Inspired Now Coach Training Course

You can use your experience, combined with the skills you learn to help your children, students, friends, family members, or your community!

Join us today and share your gift with the world! 

Love and inspiration,

Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


If you don’t mind casual dating and are NOT looking for a serious relationship, you can stop reading now.

If you are looking for that special someone, or might be in the future, read on…

This is the one question that you need to ask a potential mate before you ever consider going out with them again!

What will you bring to a relationship?

Seriously, it’s about time people started to ask potential mates what they have to offer! Not because you are looking to take from them but because if you are willing to go into a relationship at 100%, you need to know they are willing to do the same!

I could give you a million examples but let me share my own story.

When I was 22, I married my first husband Don. He was an alcoholic and much older than me. I was young and dumb and believed him when he said “Once we get married, I will stop drinking.”

He was kind, and we liked the same things, but those qualities are less and less endearing after you’ve come home drunk for 7 nights in a row.

I never asked him what he had to offer in a relationship because I mistakenly thought we’d build it together. The problem with that thinking is that I was too young and dumb to know how to build anything, and he was too drunk.

Some people think a home is the biggest investment you will ever make, it’s not, your relationship is!

If you don’t invest wisely, you will get burned. If you are willing to put in 100%, why would you take a risk on someone who is only going to put in 20%, it just doesn’t make sense!

Asking someone what they have to offer in a relationship is a smart, decisive question that can scare off anyone who’s not serious, and seem attractive to someone who is willing to play full out!

Here are just a few things to look for when considering your relationship investments:

  • Are they financially responsible? I’m not talking about looking for someone rich, I’m talking about someone who has a good head on his shoulders and knows how to handle money.
  • Are they emotionally stable? *Secure and confident vs jealous and emotionally unavailable.
  • Do they share similar values? *Honesty, loyalty, altruism, family, ambition, monogamy, etc…
  • Do they have any addictions, unhealthy habits, or questionable friendships?
  • Do they speak kindly, or harshly about past relationships? *Ask “What happened with your last breakup?” If they start with he or she was a B*itch, or A**hole, then run! Or, if they start with “He or she was the best thing that ever happened to me and I can’t move on,” then run! If they are able to take some of the responsibility and speak highly or at least neutral of their EX then they might be emotionally healthy people!
  • Where do they want to be in 5 years?
  • Are they ambitious or content to stay exactly where they are forever?
  • Are they inappropriately attached to their parents? *Do they live at home? Are they a mama’s boy or still a little girl?
  • Do they have pets and if so do they take good care of them?
  • How is their personal hygiene and their personal space? *If you marry a pig, don’t expect that to change just because you put a ring on it.

Listen, most clients who come in complaining about their spouse tell me that they had the same “bad qualities” when they were dating but they expected them to step up to the occasion of matrimony.

It doesn’t work that way! So, if you are single… don’t be afraid to expect a potential mate to bring something to the game!

And don’t forget, a quality mate will be looking for what YOU bring to the table too! Make sure you have something of quality to offer in a relationship! If not, work on getting healthy before you start looking for your true love!

A quality relationship is the biggest investment you will ever make….. invest wisely!

As always, if you need some help, just contact me!

Experience has made me wise, coaching has shown me how to share that wisdom.

If you are ready to join the mission to raise emotional intelligence and teach others how to as well, please learn more about the Live Inspired Now Coach Training and get your FREE 6 Day Mini Coaching Course: 

Live Inspired Now Coach Training Course

You can use your experience, combined with the skills you learn to help your children, students, friends, family members, or your community!

Join us today and share your gift with the world! 

Love and inspiration,

Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Single and looking? DON’T look for someone like minded, and DON’T worry about finding someone with common interests!

Yep, I just said that.

Everyone’s so worried about finding someone to do stuff with that they don’t think to look for someone they can just “be” with. 

Rather than looking for the like minded person with common interests, focus instead on finding someone who is LIKE-VALUED!

When I first met my husband Thad, I thought he was so handsome, but I also thought he was a jerk!

He was a meat eating country boy who had never walked on fire, and never heard of, or even watched the movie, “The Secret!” (One of my favs!)

I was a vegan, firewalking, hippie freak who had never heard of, let alone played, the game “corn hole.”

Besides physical attraction, what the hell did we see in each other?

Common values.

Although on the outside we appeared to have little in common, we both had a deep desire to have one more relationship… just one more, and it had to be magical!

We both valued learning, growing, and family. We valued honesty, and clean living. We valued excellent communication and friendship. We both valued hard work and ambition. We valued generosity and volunteering.

And it was these values that brought us together, and keep us together.

Sit down and make a list of your values so you can get a clearer picture of the things you want in a soul mate! You may discover that you have been looking for love in all the wrong places!

What would you do for your soul mate? Absolutely anything right?

So once you find him, you will be more than happy to take an interest in the things that interest him and vice verse!

What good is it if he shares your love of cooking but hates to tell the truth?

When Thad and I got together, he eventually stopped eating meat, and I even went hiking and camping! Not because we asked, forced, or required one another to do so, but because we value one another so much that we make an effort to participate in one another’s interests.

And very often, we discover that we enjoy something we didn’t know we liked!

Listen, single people all over the world are doing it wrong! Help them find their soul mate by sharing this article!

As always, if you need some help, just contact me!

Experience has made me wise, coaching has shown me how to share that wisdom.

If you are ready to join the mission to raise emotional intelligence and teach others how to as well, please learn more about the Live Inspired Now Coach Training and get your FREE 6 Day Mini Coaching Course:

Live Inspired Now Coach Training Course

You can use your experience, combined with the skills you learn to help your children, students, friends, family members, or your community!

Join us today and share your gift with the world! 

Love and inspiration,

Heather Paris


Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!