
RESPONSIBILITY is the Ability to choose your Response! Having the ability to choose your response to any situation, event, or circumstance means you have a great deal of power. It is far more powerful to choose how to respond to things than it is to just react to something. When you react, you give away your power. The last thing you want, is to give your personal power away to someone who irritates you!

Taking personal responsibility is the highest form of power because it means that no matter who confronts you, or what happens to you, only you are responsible for how you act as a result. Let’s completely get rid of the BS that you don’t have any control. Let’s stop saying things like: “It’s not my fault, I couldn’t help it, he made me do it, or that’s just how I am!” These BS excuses have no place in a life of happiness and inspiration. Those types of excuses are for victims, martyrs, cry babies, haters, whiners, Debbie Downers, and Nay-Sayers!

YOU have the ability to create a life that is happy, joyous, and full of gratitude! YOU have the ability to get the resources you need to create the life you love. YOU have everything within you to leave a lasting impression on this world…. will your impression be one of misery and excuses, or one of smiles, laughter, and happiness? When you leave the earth, do you want people to think of all the excuses you made, or remember all the inspiration you gave? It is always YOUR choice, your personal ability to respond to your environment. So today, drop the BS, stop making excuses and start making a life! Start living, loving, enjoying, laughing, feeling, smiling, trying, doing, being, and most of all inspiring!

How will YOU inspire someone today?

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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