Educator, Motivational Speaker & Best-Selling Author
Call now: 607-269-7815 or email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com

Students LOVE Heather’s positive message! Teachers and administrators LOVE
Heather’s solutions!

Students need to know they have the power to change their future!


Not only did Heather survive being an awkward teenager who suffered from “oh my Gosh, please don’t notice me” and “wait, why doesn’t anyone notice me,” but she turned those anxiety filled years into a light-hearted, and inspirational talk. Your group of teens will connect, engage, laugh, and appreciate Heather’s family friendly, positive message of empowerment!

Heather is a best selling author, family life coach, and youth speaker, and she shares her message of inspiration all over the world.

Your students will learn about:
• Making Positive Choices
• Handling Peer Pressure
• Healthy Self-Expression
• Overcoming Challenges
• Leadership

Questions, comments, or to book Heather now:
Call us:
Email us: heather@liveinspirednow.com


Tina Nilsen-Hodges, Principal New Roots Charter School
“Ms. Paris is deeply compassionate and generous with her time, resources and spirit in service to young people. Her unflagging positive energy and genuine interest in students supported their success, even and especially when events outside of school threatened to derail them. I am deeply appreciative of her contributions to New Roots Charter School in our first two “start up” years, when talents and her commitment to service were invaluable to our schools growth and development.”

Natalie Krone, President NYS Phi Beta Lambda
“Heather was the keynote speaker to the student leadership conference held by the Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda, NYS chapter. I couldn’t have had a better speaker to remind the students to go after their passion. She was funny, down to earth and was easy to get swept away by listening to her stories. She is a true inspiration and genuinely caring individual who shows everyone that she too is human and not perfect. I highly suggest going to see her speak and follow her on social media sites for her words of wisdom. She will help remind you of what’s important in life. Thank you Heather for being so inspiring!!”

Jim Schreck, WNYR Program Director, Morning Host
“The first time I met Heather Paris, I knew I had to get her on the air. The story of how she turned her life around was so inspiring and so relatable to my audience, that I lobbied strongly for a regular appearance. Heather offers both common sense and unconventional strategies designed to lift people from where they are, to where they want to be. And, she does all of this with a positive infectious attitude. As a speaker, she would be an asset to any gathering.”

Laurie Strough-Smith, Life Stylist; Red Inspiring
“Heather’s passion and dedication to today’s youth shines through in everything she says and does, both on stage and in person! She is inspiring, encouraging, and really easy to relate to!”

RR, Age 15
“Mrs. Paris has made me realize that my education is important and I should treat myself with more respect. Even though I have made mistakes in my life, that doesn’t mean that I have to continue to make those same mistakes.”

Dawn Thurmond, Special Education Teacher
“The students loved her and always ask when she is coming back for another visit. Heather’s positive attitude, fun energy, and great stories keep kids engaged, and eager to make better choices!”


Questions, comments, or to book Heather now:
Call us:
Email us: heather@liveinspirednow.com

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


  1. Garminzgle
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