11162514_887742371299152_1450963724855257129_nWhile I was vacationing / working in Hawaii, Thad and I took a “breathwork” certification class. Breathwork is a state of altering your breathing for an extended period which puts you into an altered state of consciousness. A certified coach paces your breathing, and guides you through the entire process. It is highly effective in helping people release past trauma, even as far back as the birth experience. Some people see colors and shapes, some “hallucinate,” while others are able to connect to their subconscious on a deep level.

In class, we had to go through the process multiple times and it was incredible! During one of my very powerful sessions, a friend from my past came to visit me! He passed away about 10 years ago, but he stopped in while I was in this altered breathing state just to say hello and to remind me that he is pure joy and love, as they all are on the other side.

During another session, I was reconnected with nightmares that I had as a young child. As a very young person, as far back as I can remember, I had these terrible nightmares. They weren’t of monsters but rather colors and shapes that moved in and out of view… kind of like being stuck inside of a lava lamp! These nightmares haunted me for some time, then they went away, never to return again. Until this breathwork session. During the session, these same scary images came back to me, only they weren’t scary anymore. It’s like they were still stuck in my unconscious, but I released them. And not to get totally nutty on you, but I am under the impression that those dreams that I had, were of my birth experience! How crazy is that?! But it makes sense… at 4 or 5 years old, dreaming of a lava lamp type experience that was scary to me…. what else could it be right?

The entire experience was out of this world. And whether or not I “hallucinated” seeing my friend, or if my lava lamp had nothing to do with my birth… none of that matters. What matters is that the experience was beyond exceptional. I released more emotion than I ever thought possible and afterward, I felt completely new. It was something I will never forget, and the best part is… every time you do it is a new experience! Some people just get a sense of overwhelming peace and relax through the entire thing. I had 2 participants that fell sound asleep and woke refreshed.

I am so excited to be certified so I can share this breathwork experience with my clients. What a gift to be able to help guide people through such a powerful and moving experience! If you would like information about this transformational breathwork experience, please email me at Heather@liveinspirednow.com

What do YOU think of this concept? Are you willing to try it for yourself? Leave your comments here on this page and see what others are saying too!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Have you ever been so fed up with something that you just had to walk away? Last night I chose to quit a “professional” group that I belonged to.

For months, I have been dreading going to the meetings because there was so much tension between some of the members and I didn’t want to be in a stressful environment. I continued to go however, because most of the members are great people and I really enjoyed seeing them. The tension continued to escalate and recently it turned into a full-fledged drama!

I took a step back and asked myself these questions:

Is being part of this group serving me, my family, or my business?
Is being part of this group helping me grow as a person?
Is being part of this group making me happy?

The answer to ALL 3 questions was an emphatic “no, not any more!” I had joined the group to network with like-minded professionals, and to have fun, but this was no longer the case. It was hard for me to walk away because I felt like I was walking away from some people who I cared about, but I spoke with them privately and explained why I could no longer stay and they completely understood.

So at last nights meeting, amid a hostile conversation between a couple of members in dispute, I raised my hand to take my turn to speak. When it was my time, I went to the front of the room and stood in front of the entire group and said something akin to this:

“I quit. I can no longer be part of a group that participates in drama, and the discouragement of its members. I love the relationships that I have developed in this group and I will continue to maintain those relationships outside of this club. I will not have my name associated with an organization that I feel does not have at least the same level of integrity that I try to have for myself.”

Whoa! You have no idea how impossible that would have been for me to say a few years ago when I was more concerned with people liking me than doing what was right for myself. I used to be so paralyzed with the fear of people being mad or disappointed with me and it kept me in relationships that were toxic for far too long. I felt very empowered! Thank goodness that I found MY voice and can self advocate now!

I share this with the hopes of inspiring YOU to find your voice and to be brave enough to walk away from people or places that don’t serve you, help you grow, or make you happy. Life is too short to lose yourself to the drama or meanness of other people. Find your voice, walk away if you need to, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Photo on 7-31-14 at 3.42 PM

Recently a Facebook fan made a remark about my “perfect life,” and how easy it would be to be happy and inspired if they had such a perfect life too. Really? Me? Perfect life? Not so much! So I took this picture to show you how I am feeling today in particular. I have a summer cold. I have no make up on. My hair is frizzy. And today, I am fighting the urge to just go back to bed!

It is absolutely true that on Facebook, I post only positively motivated posts. I don’t like to share anything negative because I believe in the Law of Attraction which teaches us that what we put out into the world is what we get back. So yes, I am very careful about posting anything negative but that doesn’t mean that I am 100% positive and happy at all times. Far from it in fact, I get pissed off, irritated, and down right cranky sometimes…. BUT I refuse to LIVE there! I refuse to spend too much time in any one negative emotion such as sadness, anger, self-doubt or fear. When I have these feelings, I allow myself to feel them, work out WHY I am feeling them, process through the feeling, then let it go. If I wanted to hold onto it, I would refuse to acknowledge how I really feel, never figure out the real reason for feeling that way, and then post all over Facebook about how crappy I felt. Then, I could commiserate with tons of people who also wallow in self-pity! But that is just not my style!

So instead, I only post happy thoughts, positive posts, and I do my best to inspire others. No, I won’t complain about the huge pile of dirty laundry in my room, or the cranky teenager that was just snarky to me, or trying to figure out how to manage the schedules for 6+ people all summer, or the non stop driving for Mom’s Taxi service because none of my kids have drivers licenses yet, and no, I won’t even complain about the never-ending projects involved in getting our new home renovated. But know this…. just because I don’t complain about things doesn’t mean my life is perfect. It does however mean that I will continue to choose to focus on what I am grateful for, and for the fact that I woke up today!

I don’t live my life in ball gowns and glass slippers. I live my life one moment at a time, doing the best I can, and making the most of it! I am grateful for magic moments, date nights, and laughs. I am also grateful for the hardships because it gives me the opportunity to be resilient, and to appreciate the good times! So please, don’t ever think that my life is perfect…. my life is just like yours. In fact, don’t think anyone else has a perfect life… life isn’t about being perfect. It’s about connecting with others, being happy, and loving.

It’s all in what you choose to focus on, and devote your time to. Give your time to things that make you feel good, focus on the positive, get through the negative and move past it, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Nobody likes that person who is constantly correcting everyone. You know who I mean… the person at school or work who constantly tells you why you are wrong, or how you used improper grammar, or the irritating busy body who challenges everything you say. I often feel bad for people like that… they have this constant need to validate themselves by proving to themselves that they are right, or that they are smarter than others. It is a symptom of low self esteem because they require validation to feel good about themselves.

I like to tell my kids that right is right no matter who knows it, and it is (generally speaking) rude to correct people. Proving others wrong will never make you smarter, and it certainly won’t make you more popular. Teach kids to cherish relationships more than superficial validation and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!



Heather will be speaking at the Inspiring Confidence and Empowerment conference at Natur-Tyme in Syracuse, NY on Thursday, June 12, 2014, from 5:00 – 6:00pm.

Please join Heather for this engaging and witty talk about creating more happiness in your family. Heather talks about inspiration vs. motivation, the power of positivity, how to build self-esteem, and even how to communicate more confidently so people, even your kids, will listen!

Happiness, confidence, and laughter…. what more would you want in a one hour talk?

FREE to all but seating is limited! Call Natur-Tyme to reserve your seat: (315) 488-6300, or email at events@natur-tyme.com and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!