
Tired of the “ups and downs” in your relationship? Are you constantly out of balance? Does he threaten to leave while you beg “no-no-no” because you know you are going to fall hard? Or maybe you are wishing to get off the seesaw but you don’t want to drop him? It’s a vicious cycle until you decide to get OFF the ride and make changes in your relationship!

The first thing you need to do is communicate well. Talking isn’t enough. You have to know how to speak so your partner will really listen to what you have to say. Yelling, sarcasm, passive-aggressive, and ignoring are not forms of effective communication, they are however a great way to make your partner feel “unheard.”

The second thing you need is a purpose. All great relationships know what they are working toward. Unfortunately, most people just get together because “it feels good.” Well the feelings of “love” are not enough. You also need trust, respect, dedication, integrity, and a clear purpose.

The third thing you need is a plan for tough times. Nobody ever thinks they will have problems, or even break up, so they never have a plan in place for when things go to hell in a hand-basket! Life happens and if you expect it to always be perfect, you are setting yourself up for failure. Have some discussions about what to do in the event of an emergency, or who will make the final decision when you can’t agree on something. (My YOU’RE NOT MY REAL MOM! program has a family checklist that puts it all on paper so you can discuss and decide who is in charge of what. This program is really beneficial for ANY type of family!)

And lastly, you need someone to help you through all of this! If you are having challenges in your relationship and you want to try something that actually works, give me a call! Don’t spend years in couples counseling… it doesn’t work. I will teach you the tools to communicate effectively, help you find a purpose or create a family mission statement, and show you how to plan for the unexpected! I will also teach you how to feel like kids again without the games! You can have passion and excitement just like when you first fell in love! The only requirement is that you WANT to make changes. So get off the seesaw, contact me today, fix your relationship, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Just in case you needed a little pick me up, this is it! You woke up today… so did billions of other people! That is something worth feeling grateful about! That is something worth celebrating even! In honor of life, do something FUN today! Get out of your head and get engaged in the real world around you! Smile at someone, flirt with the girl you have a crush on, send an email to an old friend that you miss, call your mother, pet kittens at the SPCA, go for a walk, send your husband a sexy text message, pack bagged lunches and deliver to a homeless person, start writing a book, close your eyes and take a deep breath, eat cake, or maybe just go spend a few quiet moments alone so you have the courage to do any of these things.

Just live, experience life, and stop being afraid to LOVE. You are here for a reason, you might not even know your own purpose and that is OK. Have faith, be grateful for another day to discover your purpose, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Whatever you think about most, is what you worship. You can easily discover what other people worship by observing their words, behaviors, and actions. Do they work non stop, then talk non stop about work when they are “off?” Do they listen to music 24/7, and feel naked without their headphones? Do they obsess about their new boyfriend and constantly check his twitter and instagram for new updates? Are they on Facebook all the time and get irritated when they have to put the phone or tablet away? Does he say he’s really into you, then plays video games and ignores you?

These are all examples of worship. Where you put your time and attention tells everyone what you are about. Do you need to balance some of your activities? What if you put the same amount of time that you spend on Facebook into your relationship; would it change? What if you worked even half as much as you played video games or listened to music; would you have more money? What if you volunteered as much as you gossiped; would you feel more fulfilled?

People often get obsessive about what they are doing without even realizing it. Then they can become addicted to the feelings of importance, or connection.  Be careful of people who say one thing, yet worship another. For example, a “friend” may say they hate drama, yet they are the first to share gossip. Or, someone might tell you that they rarely get on Facebook yet they have 100 posts per day! Look for signs of worship more than you listen to the words of lip service!

Be careful what YOU worship as well, it may lead you down a lonely road only to find that nobody is waiting for you at the end. Find your balance, spend time with people you love, do NO harm to others, fully participate in life and Live Inspired Now!


Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


A cat that likes you will let you touch him. A cat that loves you will let you pet him. A cat that trusts you completely will lay on his back and let you rub his belly.

Now, apply this to relationships. Until you fully surrender and become completely vulnerable to another person, you are not fully committed to them. If you can’t fully surrender, or “show your belly,” then maybe you should reconsider whether or not you should be in that relationship.

Relationships don’t work for long when you have walls up. The greatest gift you can give to someone you love is gift of you! Get fully invested in your relationship, “show your belly,” play full out, enjoy the feelings of complete trust and honesty, and Live Inspired Now!

PS: Please check out my new “couples” page and learn how you can transform your current relationship!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


“Hey Heather,
Why are all boys in my grade such jerks? I really like XXXXXX and he said he liked me too, but he acts like he doesn’t like me when he is with his friends. I really want to have a boyfriend and I am mature and stuff, but I don’t think boys are.” -8th grader

Dear Mature and stuff,
You are in 8th grade. Nobody in 8th grade is mature enough for a “relationship” and that is a GOOD thing! Look at the adults around you… most of them are not even mature enough for a relationship! Many adults now are struggling, divorcing, cheating, lying, fighting, or living like roommates! This is because they never learned HOW to have a successful relationship! Schools don’t teach people how to communicate without hurting the other person, or how to meet the needs of your partner unconditionally, or even how to work through conflict. In other words, schools do not teach people how to have successful, happy, and healthy romantic relationships.

It is completely natural for you to want a boyfriend, but you my dear are in an excellent position to have something FAR better! Start learning HOW to be successful at relationships now, so you will be ready for a real relationship later! At your age, boys come and go, crushes happen often, and you will fall in love many times. That is part of the excitement of growing up. Just remember, now is not the time to focus on finding “Mr. Right.” It IS the time to giggle, have fun, hang out with BFF’s, take lots of selfies, talk about boys, drool over your favorite singer, dream of mansions and limousines, plan summer fun, spend time with your family, paint your nails, climb a tree, read a good book, watch a scary movie…. and a million other age appropriate fun things! I once read this saying; “High school is where you meet your bridesmaids, not your husband!” I like that a lot!

I hope you will take it upon yourself to become the relationship guru of your age group! There are plenty of books about relationships, (mine included,) there are youtube videos, and there are tons of blogs… all dedicated to teaching people how to have successful relationships. (Read the hundreds of blog posts right here: ) You are not too young to learn, grow, and share your knowledge and someday, many years from now, some awesome guy will be grateful to be your boyfriend! Don’t miss out on him because you settled too soon for a “jerk.” Step into your own greatness, appreciate who you are right now, observe good and bad relationships, learn all you can, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!