Your loved one wants you to know this one simple truth…
They love YOU, for you, not for what you do.
It’s that simple. Your husband/wife/kid/boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend etc… they love YOU. Not what you do, what you produce, or how hard you work.
They might appreciate those qualities about you, but they love YOU simply because you are their person.
If you couldn’t work any more, or stopped painting, or decided to cut your hair short, or wanted to try a new career, they will STILL love you.
They love YOU, for you, not for what you do.
We are so goal oriented in our society that we forget that love is not predicated on achievement.
After coaching thousands and thousands of people of all kinds, I know this to be 100% true. They love YOU, for you, not for what you do and they just want you to be happy.
So stop beating yourself up and downplaying your worth… you matter to them.
With love, gratitude, and inspiration,
Heather Paris
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Follow me on YouTube, Instagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

“Sally” was in tears after catching her husband having sex with another woman… again.
And not even an hour later he was professing his undying love to her. He made her feel guilty for wanting to leave him. He made her feel hopeful when he promised to make up for his indiscretions. He made her scared when he said he couldn’t live without her.
She called me because she wanted to know what SHE could do to help HIM.
Abusers will exploit your emotions to get their way. They will use every bit of vulnerability you have to use, abuse, and hurt you. Then they will employ you to help them rather than taking any personal responsibility for helping themselves!
Emotions are wonderful but if you are overly emotional, you are exploitable!
In today’s world, it’s so popular and acceptable to say “follow your heart” and I’m warning you that your heart is not equipt to make all of your decisions for you!
Your heart only wants to love so it doesn’t make decisions regarding safety or higher purpose.
A mechanic can fix your car but you wouldn’t ask him to do your laundry too.
If you are highly in tune to your heart and your emotions, it’s time to get in touch with your head and your higher self too!
The next time your in a situation that makes you feel scared, lonely, or guilty, ask yourself these questions:
- Is this a one time incident or a pattern?
- Is this something I wish to experience again?
- Is this something I’d wish for my kids / parent / close friend to experience?
- Do I walk on eggshells?
- Am I safe enough to talk about this?
- Do I make excuses for their behavior?
Emotional exploitation is not OK but there is something you can do about it! Listen to your head and your higher self, not just your heart!
Your head is smart, it runs on logic, assesses risks, and makes rational decisions.
Your higher self is your inner light, your God-ness, your soul. It makes decisions for the greater good and for the betterment of self, family, and humanity.
You have all that you need to be happy, healthy, and peaceful but if you need help, reach out!
If you are unsure if you are in a toxic relationship, please reach out. I am more than happy to set up a free call to help!
With love, gratitude, and inspiration,
Heather Paris
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Follow me on YouTube, Instagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!
I get this question often, “When should I speak up, and when should I just mind my own business?”
In fact, I often wonder that myself. As a coach, I’m almost always ready to jump in to help but is it always my business to do so?
I’ve discovered a sure fire way to know 100% of the time when you should speak up versus butting out….
Just ask!
I have adult children, so the opportunity to impart my own wisdom comes up often when I see my child struggling but I’ve learned that offering unsolicited advice is the best way to get someone to ignore it!
So now, I just ask if they want my help/advice/opinion.
If they say yes, then I give them my input.
If they say no, I leave it alone but let them know they are welcome to come to me if they need me.
During a conversation with my friend Carol (who inspired this post) she told me that someone once said to her, “You can listen to me with your head or your heart.”
I think that is a brilliant statement and I’ve tweaked it a little to use when you have to deliver UNsolicited advice because let’s face it, sometimes we just have to intervene:
“You can listen to me with your ego or your heart, but please know that I am giving my opinion because I care about you and wish the best for you.”
Your unsolicited advice will be more well received if you make your intentions clear in the beginning.
I can’t tell you how many kids believe their parents give advice to make their lives miserable and not because they actually care. Let them know you care!
Remember, the best advice is advice that is welcomed! 🙂
If you find this content helpful, please share it! Sharing is inspiring!
Have a super week! Don’t forget to register for the upcoming 1 day relationship retreat at beautiful del Lago Resort and Casino in Waterloo, NY!
“7 Principles For Making Marriage Work” at del Lago Resort and Casino in Waterloo, New York!!
We only have space for 3 more couples so if you are interested, act NOW!! Get more info here!!! Or hit reply to this email!
With love, gratitude, and inspiration,
Heather Paris
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Coaching is a holistic alternative to therapy. It’s fast, affordable, and highly effective! Just hit reply to this email if you’d like to know how coaching could help you or your family!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

My son Harry told his friends….
“My Mom is a crazy bitch!”
…and it was the best lie he told!!
This may sound crazy, but it’s VITALLY important that you teach your kids to lie!
I know, I know! We teach them to tell the truth but in some cases, lying is better!
Listen, peer pressure is intense and kids need a way to handle it and lying to their friends can be an extremely effective way to get out of a difficult situation.
Come up with several great “lies” WITH your kids that they can use to help get them out of risky situations.
Here are a few examples:
- “No man, I’m not doing that, my mom is a crazy bitch and will kill my ass!”
- “Nahhh, I’m already high/drunk, I don’t want any more!”
- “I’m actually allergic to alcohol, I could die if I drink it. I can’t even take cough medicine.”
- “My dad texted, he’s picking me up early because I didn’t do my stupid chores!”
Peer pressure is incredibly powerful. Our kids need to know how to handle these difficult social situations and these little lies could save them in many ways!
Be sure to tell them that after they lie their way out of danger, they must call or text you immediately to get picked up from where they are!
Also, be sure to remind them that they will never get in any trouble for these types of lies and for being responsible enough to make a better choice than their friends!
Parenting is hard. NOT parenting is much harder… on you, on the kid, and on society! If you need help, please reach out to me today! DO NOT WAIT! Prevention is easier than intervention!!!
With love, gratitude, and inspiration,
Heather Paris
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Does your child have a “guardian angel?” Check out my latest book with beautiful illustrations done by MY guardian angel: “I Have A Guardian Angel” Order now to get it before Christmas!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

If you haven’t heard of the Netflix show “13 Reason Why” and you have children, you should really become familiar.
The long and short of it is this. A teenage girl goes through some pretty horrible experiences, creates 13 cassette tapes addressed to the people that hurt her, leaves the tapes with a friend, then goes home and commits suicide.
Does “13 Reasons Why” glorify suicide? Yes, and no. Let me explain…
If your child is mentally and emotionally strong and resilient, and not easily influenced, then no, it’s not glorifying suicide.
If your child is mentally or emotionally vulnerable, has little or no control over their emotions, and is easily influenced, then yes, absolutely it will glorify suicide to your child who’s watching the show in a raw mental state.
I personally watched the entire series with my 15 year old daughter Carrie. There were violent scenes including 2 rapes, underage drinking and drugs, horrendous examples of parenting, and countless disappointments that make you want to scream to the screen to save this poor young girl who was already dead in the first episode. They even showed her suicide, and it wasn’t a hint, it was a full gut wrenching, emotionally torturous scene.
Carrie and I cried, we were appalled, we cringed and closed our eyes, and we gasped but most of all…. we talked.
I don’t think any child, no matter what age, should be allowed to watch this show without parental participation and input. Again, if your teen is struggling… this series will show them how much influence a dead girl has on the world and I know that is NOT what you want your teen focused on if they are in pain.
Let me share with you 13 Reason Why you’d better empower your kids, before they think that suicide is a good option.
- It’s your job, responsibility, and obligation to ensure your child’s mental, emotional, social, and physical safety at all times and you can’t do that if you don’t know what they are watching, who they are with, and what they are experiencing.
- Your kind words may be the only ones they hear in a day.
- Anti-bullying campaigns don’t work. There will always be bully’s and mean people. The best way to protect your child is to teach them to protect themselves! Teach them emotional intelligence and resilience, mental strength, and some physical training wouldn’t hurt either! Self defense classes are a great way to help young people feel more secure!
- Make it safe for them to talk to you about anything so you can help them when they struggle. Let them know they will not get in trouble for being honest because their safety is your first priority!
- You can’t fix dead.
- When they leave the house, they need to know that no matter how bad the day was, they have a safe place to come home to. Safe from fighting, abuse, neglect, and despair… otherwise, they will find another place to spend their time and it only has to be LESS abusive, not healthy.
- Kids who are engaged in groups, sports, or activities with people, feel more accepted and connected and less likely to feel desperate.
- Kids who know how to care for their own emotional and mental needs are less likely to be discouraged when they are faced with challenges or tough times.
- Kids who are discerning are less likely to hang out with people who are involved in risky behavior or with people who won’t have their best interest in mind.
- Confident kids will advocate for themselves when they need it.
- Kids who understand consequences make better choices.
- Kids learn from, copy, and are deeply influenced by TV shows and if you don’t agree with me then explain to me why advertisers pay millions of dollars for one Superbowl commercial!
- Suicide doesn’t take pain away, it just gives it to other people.
Listen, this show can be a nightmare or an opportunity. If your child is struggling, don’t let them watch it and take this as a HUGE SCREAMING SIGN to do something to empower your kiddo before it’s too late! Never take your child’s safety for granted.
It is your responsibility to model good emotional and mental health for your children and to communicate with them! You can’t over communicate!
Please please please talk to your kids today. If you need help, reach out!! If you feel like you need to learn some mental and emotional intelligence yourself, join my life coach training course now and get what you need to empower yourself and your family! (Registration closes at the end of this week.)
There is NO substitute for your relationship with your child. They need you even if they say they don’t. They want you to know them, even if they say they don’t. And they love you even if they don’t say it.
Please share this article with anyone who has children. Let’s spread the word and see how many families we can help! Thank you!
Experience has made me wise, coaching has shown me how to share that wisdom.
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Love and inspiration,
Heather Paris
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: open 24/7
Call 1-800-273-8255
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!