Last night I went to a firewalking seminar, I am hosting one in August and wanted to make sure I knew what to expect! It was really awesome. I had no worries about walking over the hot coals, or breaking wood boards, or even the trust fall, I have done those things before but snapping an arrow in half with my NECK? WTH? I did it though and in true Inspired Heather fashion, I just went forward and made it happen. Some people learn they are afraid but can still do things, some people learn that they can do it but not until everyone else does, some people learn that they will do it simply because everyone else does. When we try things like this, we learn alot about ourselves and we learn to push through the fear or pain to get what we want. It is very empowering!
If you are local to Upstate NY, I would encourage you to sign up for the August Empowerment seminar in Willseyville, NY. If you live elsewhere, find a seminar in your area! You will be so proud of yourself when you are able to push through fear and you will walk away feeling so empowered and capable of accomplishing anything! Don’t just sign up to walk on fire, sign up to LIVE the rest of your life INSPIRED NOW!!!

*Sign up on this page in the right hand column!*

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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