I took my toy poodle, Lucy, to puppy kindergarten many years ago when she was a curious young puppy. The trainer worked with each of us “Dog Mommies” and taught us to focus on our pup’s strengths, not to compare our dog’s abilities to other dogs, and to continuously praise their efforts! She also let us know that not all the pups were destined for distinction at the fancy dog shows and that was OK. Some dogs would make great farm helpers, some would be wonderful service animals, and some would just be really sweet companions!

The tennis balls the instructor provided during the course were larger than Lucy’s tiny little head.  As you can imagine, this made learning how to “fetch” rather difficult. Instead of insisting that she learn how to retrieve the ball, we focused on her incredible “dancing” skills; Lucy had a natural inclination to walk on her hind legs. The instructor showed me how to turn this seemingly useless behavior into a “dance” that she could perform on command.  Her dancing often earned her treats or an affectionate pat on the head.

Unfortunately, I was scheduled to be out of town on business and couldn’t make it to the very last class, which was graduation day. I stopped in before I left for my trip to explain the situation to our instructor. I expressed how much I loved the class and how well little Lucy was doing. I thanked them for teaching ME how to teach my dog. Then, I said “I don’t actually think dog training school is for dogs at all, I think it is for the parents!” At that moment, the instructor smiled knowingly and said “You have graduated, let me get you a certificate!”

Today, as I passed a local dog training school, I recalled this great experience of training Lucy all those years ago. Those thoughts led me into thoughts of the training model that the American school system has used for decades. Why aren’t our schools more like dog training schools?

We are constantly pushing kids through a one-size-fits-all educational system that doesn’t recognize student strengths and try’s to convince every single student and parent that college (the fancy dog show) is the only option for success. Schools don’t accommodate different learning styles nor do they encourage independence. There is no curriculum that promotes entrepreneurship, nor are there any courses that teach character development skills, which have been proven to be far more useful in the “real world” than educational knowledge alone.

What if your child is a “golden retriever” but is never encouraged to go fetch things? Maybe your child is an “English Bulldog” being dressed in pink sweaters and forced to perform at the dog show. Or maybe your child is like my Lucy who was too small to fetch the tennis ball but loved to dance as a young puppy (she now prefers to herd the goats on our tiny farm). If we had insisted on teaching her to fetch, we may never have discovered her many other talents.

I think it is time we start teaching to our children’s strengths and abilities. I think we should encourage them to discover areas in which they excel and praise their efforts and accomplishments. We should set them up for success by realizing that not every student is right for college. We should also support trade jobs, life skills, and entrepreneurship as valid options.

Most of all, I think we should expect parents to be involved so the teachers can teach instead of doing double duty as a disciplinarian or social worker. Strong parenting skills are just as important to a child’s educational success as they are to a puppy’s training success.  For example, parents should learn that when their child makes a mistake, “rubbing their nose in it” isn’t the most effective course of action. Positive reinforcements are far more effective than emphasizing on your child’s mistakes.

Dog training was amazing for Lucy, for myself, and for my kids, who also attended. It taught us a great deal… much more than it taught Lucy. Lucy never went to the Eukanuba Dog Show, she never did learn to fetch, and she gave up dancing for herding goats but, she is productive, healthy, and happy. Isn’t that really all we want for our children?

Live Inspired Now,
Heather Paris
Inspired Life Coach | Author | Speaker

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

A few quick ways to de-stress:

Live in the present moment…Focus on today, not yesterday
Listen to relaxing music
Drink healthy, aromatic teas; chamomile, green, mint, lemon, etc
Eat healthy food; raw, greens, veggies, healthy supplements, and plenty of water
Laugh; watch funny movies, go to a comedy show, or recall funny memories
Try something new; even if it’s just a new route home, change your routine
Exercise; start with a walk and see where it leads, move your body
Get enough sleep; 6-8 hours is usually sufficient
Focus on positive thoughts; distract yourself if you start to think negatively
Surround yourself with positive people
Take a hot bath and relax
Light candles and create a relaxing setting
Help others; volunteer, mentor or encourage
Journal your thoughts, feelings, and ideas
Take deep breaths
Make peace with difficult tasks and get them over with
Acknowledge and accept your feelings as valid
Play with a pet
Have physical contact; hugs, hold hands, or snuggle, etc
Focus on doing one thing at a time; skip the multitasking
Hold a baby
Use positive, uplifting self talk
Read something uplifting daily; www.liveinspirednow.com

MAKE time to de-stress! Rushing through life will only prevent you from enjoying it. Take time for yourself, stop trying to be everything for everyone. Stress leads to disease and unhappiness so de-stress for your sanity and your health and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Death is inevitable, but living is optional! It’s true…. everybody dies, but not everybody lives. Many people just exist, or observe life rather than engaging in it. People sit idly by “waiting for the right time” or “wishing for things to be different” instead of doing, trying, or changing their own circumstances. How many times in your life have you said…. “someday I will get to try that,” or “I wish I had time to do something like that.”

What are you waiting for? The only difference between you and the people living their dreams are the priorities that you have set. The most passionate people I know are out there trying things and taking risks. Most of them prioritize the things they want. If you want a passionate, loving, exceptional relationship, turn off the soap operas, take a relationship workshop, and make it happen! If you want a better job, stop complaining about the one you have, spruce up the resume, and fill out the application! If you want to take a vacation, don’t talk badly about your friend who takes vacations all the time, put in for vacation time and make it happen! If you want to write a book, stop wishing for more time, get off of Facebook, and start writing.

Everything is well within our reach but all too often people want to blame others or circumstances for what they don’t have. Guess what, if you want it, prioritize it! You are living the life that YOU created! Don’t like it? Change it! Only YOU have the power to go out and live with passion, live with purpose and Live Inspired Now!

PS: Need a cheering section to inspire you? Contact me TODAY… not tomorrow… TODAY!

PPS: This is post number 800!!! I am off to celebrate! Thank YOU for helping me make my blog a success!! -Heather 🙂

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

It is difficult to love people that don’t love themselves. What does your self-talk sound like? Is it mean, judgmental, or hateful? Or, are you kind, loving, and forgiving of yourself? We have to be our own best advocates in life. It is up to us, and no one else to be responsible for who we are, what we do, what we say, or what we think. It is important to love yourself, to be kind to yourself, and to be OK with who you truly are. You don’t have to try to please others or be anyone that you are not. People will like you just for being you!

So today, start being kind to yourself by writing yourself a love letter. If you suffer from a lack of self worth, just start with one single sentence. Then, after a few weeks, build up to writing several sentences, and then maybe a full paragraph, until you can write an entire page of kind words to yourself. Point out the qualities that you are proud of, the things you like about your appearance, and compliment yourself on jobs well done. The goal is to start using kind and compassionate self-talk and learn to love yourself. Write your love letters to yourself, appreciate the beautiful soul that you are, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Hmmm…. makes you think doesn’t it? Think about the people you meet each day. What are the characteristics of the majority of people you come in contact with? Is it really other people that are like that? Remember that more often than not, other people reflect back what WE are expressing.

Today, start to take notice of the people you are meeting. Start to notice how they act and then take a deep look at how people might be perceiving YOU. Self awareness is a gift! Become self aware by observing how people interact with you and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!