“I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”  ~Edward Everett Hale

What can you do today to contribute, or to improve someone’s world? YOU are powerful. You don’t need a reason, a sign, the perfect time, or an excuse… just help someone today and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Every sensationalized news story that you get sucked into is like another shot of drama drug straight into your system. You become addicted quickly and you start looking for the next big hit of drama until you eventually become a reality TV junkie. Spending your free time watching attention starved divas fight for their man, sitting on the edge of your seat to find out who’s the baby daddy, or making bets on who will be voted off next. Watching with secret hopes that something catastrophic will happen on screen so you can say “yes, I saw what happened, I was there!”

The news headlines pull us in, sometimes kicking and screaming. Have you ever clicked on a news story KNOWING you were going to regret it? Have you ever given in to the temptation of clicking on “Most Americans Are Totally Cool With Smoking Weed At Gay Weddings!” Yes, that was an actual news article from the Atlantic Wire. The article was about two prominent cultural topics: marijuana use and gay marriage. They intertwined the topics to create a sensationalized headline that received far more clicks than if the headlines merely stated: More people support gay marriage and legalized marijuana than in previous years. At no point in the article does the author mention celebrating a gay couples nuptials with a joint and feeling “totally cool” about it with “most” of the other guests.

Remember when Michael Jackson “dangled” his baby off a balcony? When in actuality, he showed his baby off to the crowd below from a balcony. I don’t agree with what he did, but at no point was the baby dangled, he had 2 firmly gripped arms around the child. Or most recently, when Obama “caught a lady who fainted behind him?” She did get slightly wobbly on her feet but she didn’t faint, nor did he catch her. He simply turned to her, it looked like he took her hand, then offered her some comforting words for a moment until another women led her away. I guess nobody would click on “Michael Jackson showed his baby to fans” or “Obama said Your OK, to a women who got dizzy.” 

Hows this for an accurate headline? “News peddlers control brains of unsuspecting drama junkies hungry for their next fix! Oh, in fact, I think I should use a portion of that title for this post!

Parents: kids are especially susceptible to sensationalism in the media. They hear about school shootings and learn to be afraid. They hear about bullying and think it’s inevitably going to happen to them. Or, they hear about suicide and immediately it becomes an option that they might not have considered previously. Please be careful about what your children hear and watch. Sensationalized drama is addictive and can be harmful, specifically to the most impressionable among us: kids.

My point in all this is not to get so caught up in manufactured drama that you forget to enjoy actual reality. There is an entire world of sensational sights, romantic moonlit moments, and exciting successes to take in and celebrate! Promote positive living to kids and teach them to be discerning of what they see and hear. Get caught up in your dreams, go out and discover new things, share an adventure, enjoy every moment, create happiness, set a good example for young people and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Lately I am hearing that people are having difficulty making conversations with new people, or they don’t know how to stand out in the crowd. Standing out is especially important for self employed people who have to make connections and build rapport in order to get new business.

A great way to stimulate conversation AND to stand out is to wear something that grabs attention. Some examples would be: a brightly colored scarf, a large sparkly brooch, a cartoon character tie, a hat, sequined shoes, or maybe some striking jewelry. There are limitless ideas, you just have to think about how much attention you want to grab! If you are attending a professional networking event, maybe a crazy tie is enough attention. If you are attending a party, maybe you can be more risque. It depends upon your comfort level and what you are trying to accomplish.

An attention grabbing accessory can ease you into a conversation. You might get a compliment on your scarf and you can tell a brief story about where you bought it, or maybe who gave it to you. Every single thing you have, has some sort of story attached to it and this is a great way to break into a nice talk with someone new.

So today, find your way to stand out! Think about what you have on and relate some stories to it. Be prepared to ask questions about other people too. Build new relationships, stand out in the crowd and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Your children may not follow your advice, but they will follow your example. Are you teaching them to be depressed? Are you teaching them to fight with their future spouse? Are you teaching them to under achieve or to be afraid of trying new things? Perhaps your example is teaching them to hate themselves? I know, I know… it’s pretty scary when we realize we have that much influence, but they are OUR children and WE are responsible for the example we provide.

What type of things do you want to teach your children? How about self esteem, confidence, kindness, compassion, perseverance, respect, independence, altruism, humor, or love? These are qualities best passed down by example. You can try to teach these qualities, but living them is the best way for your children to learn them by modeling your attitudes and behaviors.

Have you ever seen a person smoking a cigarette and telling their child to “never smoke!” Then they wonder why the child grows up to become a smoker when they specifically told them not to. Your example will always be the very best way for children to learn. So, what do you want your children to learn? Think about how you can change your behavior and set a positive example for your children and Live Inspired Now!

PS: Please reach out if you want to change your life and your children’s lives. You can learn to be happy and set positive, healthy examples for your children. I look forward to hearing from YOU!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

This is a picture of the letter I received yesterday from Madison. She is nearly done with basic training and I am so excited to watch her graduate! Madison and I have been writing letters to one another every day since she left for Texas. There is nothing more sweet than receiving a letter from your “little girl” in which she tells you that you are her best friend and that she loves you! The most important thing I ever learned as a parent is that the relationship I have with my child outweighs any accomplishments or milestones that I may wish for them to achieve. (Keep in mind, “best friend” status shouldn’t occur until after they have left home.)

When Madison was in high school, she hated it. It was like pulling teeth just to get her to go to school, never mind doing well while she was there. At one point, one of her teachers called me in to discuss her grades. He insinuated that I was not actively participating in her education because I was not “forcing” her to do her Global History project. I explained that I have provided Madison with every possible resource to be successful in school but it was up to her to actually utilize them and that I was not going to put a gun to her head and try to force her to learn. The teacher smirked at me and retorted, “Some parents are actually invested in their children’s education!” At that moment, I think I could actually feel my blood boil inside my body and I wanted to lash out but I kept my cool and asked him if he had any children of his own. He said he didn’t, then changed his answer to “Well, one on the way.” I then offered him some advice. I merely said, “Some day, I hope you understand that the child is more than the grade. I am fully invested in my child and I love her enough to let her be responsible for her own consequences. That is the real education!”

The next day, this teacher apologized to me. Madison continued to struggle through school until she finally graduated. She was always smart enough to do the work, but like her mother, she didn’t find as much value in the classroom as she did in real world experience. I have no doubt that she will continue to be successful! Oh and what is success in our house? Happiness.

In this letter that Madison sent, the first line says “Mom, I miss you so much, you are my best friend.” I would say that my “investment” in my kid paid off! She is bright, loving, kind, and compassionate and I am very proud of her. Remember: while your children are growing up, the most important thing is to create a bond that will remain once they leave the home. Worry less about what other people think, don’t listen to ignorant comments, hug your babies, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!