Three years ago I needed a colonoscopy at the age of 39. Well below the normal age of 50. They found 4 precancerous polyps and removed them. I would or could have been one of those women at age 50 who had silent colon cancer…and it may have been too late. I have had candida issues and immune issues for a long time. I had always wondered if all of these things were connected.
I started selling Arbonne, a little over a year ago. Arbonne means “from the earth”. We carry skin care and nutritional wellness products that are vegan, botanical, gluten free, trans fat free, cholesterol free, paraben free, mineral oil free etc. This lead me into a whole other world about the foods I put in my body and my families bodies!
I watched the following documentaries: Genetic Roulette, Forks over Knives, Vegucated, Fat sick and nearly dead, A Beautiful Life, and started reading Dr. Fuhrmans book Eat to LIve. I started buying all organic fruits and veggies and cooking differently.
Last December I decided to take out meat, dairy, gluten, caffeine and see how my body responded. Some or all of these foods would usually mess with my candida issues and cause stomach issues/diarrhea.
In 10 months, I have only had two stomach issues….and that’s because I strayed from my diet.This is a huge improvement!!! I have since taken out alcohol as well.
I have to say that in all honestly, I can’t say I am a total vegan or vegetarian. I would say I am more of a nutritarian…I eat clean 80-90% of the time and cheat the other percent.
Changing all of these things sounds drastic, but I know my body and I know how it responds. It has been so educational and empowering….so much so that my friend Julie and I are writing a cookbook. See, not only has it improved my stomach issues, but it has also increased my libido, it has helped my complexion, it has improved my sleep, and I have gotten off of my prilosec, and my restless leg meds. I know when i stray from my diet now, i will probably get sick…and i like to avoid that at all costs! I am in charge!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Two summers ago my mom hosted an empowerment seminar and firewalk with Tony Simons, a local firewalker instructor. Tony and my mom, Heather, had us write down things that we wanted to overcome or ‘break-through’ on wooden boards. We then had to place the board on top of two cinder blocks and break them in half. Seeing all of the words I had written on the board; seeing them broken in half and everyone cheering me on, really helped.

I was so happy after I broke through my board, I could not stop smiling! Overcoming things that hurt you before or scared you, feels really good! I can tell you now that those things don’t even cross my mind anymore. Next, we broke arrows with our necks. Yes, actual arrows! At first I couldn’t break my arrow. I said I wasn’t going to try again but then my dad stepped up and said he would do it if I did it with him. The whole time he held my hand and we cheered each other on. By the time I broke my arrow, tears were running down my face, not out of pain but wonder! I felt like I could accomplish anything in the world, which meant that I was ready for the fire walk.

Tony first had us walk around the fire while chanting and clapping. I thought it was really funny, but my sister Madison was so into it! Slowly one by one we walked across the hot coals, palms facing upward. I was smiling so much! This was awesome! After everything that happened that night, I felt like a brand new person.

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

It is NEVER too late for RIGHT NOW! Start now, don’t wait. “Putting off” suffering, actually prolongs it! Put the effort in right now and reap the benefits for the rest of you life. I have a couple of young clients that dropped out of school and are now realizing that they want their GED. There is no better time than RIGHT NOW! Do the work now, then you can be done with it. Don’t wait for the right time, there is no “right time,” there is only right NOW!

So today, get off your a$$, and starting doing something NOW. Get it done, then you can take deep breaths and relax knowing that you don’t have to worry anymore about it. Whatever “it” is, get it done, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Harry came home the other day with a detention slip! What? Yes, Harry… who gets straight A’s and B’s got a detention! He had to stay after school for 2 days in a row for his crime. He….. jumped in the hall and touched the ceiling tile.

The school sent a notice home with his referral in it. There were 16 offenses to choose from ranging from defiance and disrespect to violence, and weapons. Harry got the “other” check box. His other box had a line for a brief description which read: “Climbing wall in hallway with his feet.”
I really have to laugh at this. I totally support the school in giving Harry a detention for breaking the “do not jump off the walls to try and touch the ceiling” rule. I told Harry, it’s their house, and you broke their rules, so you have to deal with their consequences.

However, the fact that the list of offenses were all really big violations to obvious school and even public rules and laws, it seems rather inconsequential to “jump off the wall” and get detention. This seems to be the norm in schools these days though. Kids are expected to step inside a box and never venture out, let alone JUMP out! Kinesthetic kids are too often labeled “ADD/ADHD” when what they really need is a venue in which they can have more physical activity. Adults often face the same challenges when sitting at a desk all day. We as humans were not meant to sit still and be quiet all day. We are built to move around and stay active and we learn much better when utilizing all of our learning modalities too. Engaging kids physically, as well as through visual, and auditory means is the best way to have them actually pay attention and absorb what they are learning.

I told Harry to serve his time, and to follow the rules in the future. He graciously served his 2 day detention after school and we had a good laugh about his offense of “other.” I told him that if he had to get a detention, I am glad it was for “other” and not any of the real crimes! Encourage your kids to deal with the consequences of their actions, even if they don’t seem fair or just. It is important that they learn to respect the rules of others, and to be honorable if they make a mistake. That is the most important lesson. Talk to your kids, communicate openly, enforce consequences, encourage them, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” ~Stacia Tauscher

I LOVE this quote so much! We often forget that our children are already awesome, full of life and creativity, and it is adults that figuratively beat them into submission. Kids start out believing in everything, willing to dream and unwilling to settle! Then, unfortunately, our own limitations and beliefs get shared and the child slowly loses his passion and starts on a path of cynicism. DON’T DO THAT! Don’t place limits on a child’s dreams or imagination!

Tell them that they are awesome and you have faith in them and if they want something to “go for it!” I mean really, how much MORE could WE accomplish if we just believed that we could? Let kids know that they are already smart, and equipped with what they need to go forward, learn what they need to know, and achieve whatever they dream of! 

Kids today are smarter than ever! They are resourceful and are often far more technically savvy than adults! Don’t tell them they can’t do something, don’t even tell them they can do it someday. Why would they need to wait until they are adults to become an artist, musician, graphic designer, or anything! 

Make the following words your mantra to your kids: MAKE IT HAPPEN! You just might be surprised what they accomplish when you encourage them to take initiative and make things happen for themselves. I know…. I live with an artist, a builder, an anthropologist, and a chef! Offer your help, brainstorm ideas, get excited for them, offer input and then let them go for it. Encourage kids to be amazing today, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!