I was sitting in my hotel room and ready to cry, again… it had been an emotional day! I was feeling very overwhelmed by looming project deadlines and from being on the road for the past month. Just when I was about to retreat from my long day and dive into a molten chocolate lava cake, there was a knock at my door. I had asked the room service guy about the loud noise coming from the heat vent and he said he would send someone right up. What I didn’t know is, he would be sending up a new friend.

Jeff, the hotel engineer, entered my room and jokingly said “what did you do?” I forced the tears back and said “I don’t know what happened, it was fine but then it just started making this loud clanking noise.” It took Jeff no more than 60 seconds to make the heat vent stop rattling; we spent the next hour plus just chatting. I am not even sure how we got going on such deep topics but he gave me permission to share his inspirational story.

Upon hearing about my work with under privileged children, Jeff told me of his upbringing and how he believed that the African American community was falling apart. His young life started with tragedy when his mother was shot when he was only 4 years old. He and his 5 siblings went to live with his Grandmother in a lovely but mostly white suburb. He clearly loved and respected his Grandmother and had nothing but praise for her. She raised her own 5 children and then took in her daughter’s 6 children when she passed. Jeff said he often felt like he didn’t fit in with the white kids because he looked different yet, the black kids didn’t accept him because he was “well mannered and spoke respectfully.” He felt isolated and desperately wanted to fit in.

Despite the love and generosity his Grandmother offered, Jeff made unfortunate choices and found himself using drugs and getting in trouble with the law. He spent time in jail and when he got out he moved to a half way house where he was able to stay clean for 2 years. Then, one night he chose to use again and he says it all flooded back as if he had never gotten clean at all. It was like the 2 years spent clean never existed. He did another stint in jail and was out again only to go back to drugs. At some point, rock bottom and near death saved his life.

Jeff had been admitted to the hospital after a fight. He needed 28 stitches in his face and eye area and he says the nurse kept coming into his room and saying “Are you sure you are alright?” Finally, after  this happened several times, he asked the nurse, “Is something wrong with me? Why do you keep asking if I am alright?” The nurse then explained that he had experienced a major heart attack.  Jeff had been so high, he didn’t even feel it! Jeff was admitted to the hospital and had decided there was no way he was staying. He was plotting his escape when the nurse brought in his medication. He drank the medicine and then asked what it was.  He found out it was methadone and just as the medicine knocked him out; his escape plan had been foiled! With tears in his eyes, and after apologizing for becoming emotional, Jeff told me that he believes God intervened to keep him where he needed to be.  

While in the hospital, Jeff met a man with AIDS, that had lost a leg to diabetes, and was about to have a kidney removed too. This man inspired Jeff by letting him know that though his time was very limited and he had lost so much, at least he could say “Today, I am clean!” He talked to Jeff about the importance of staying clean and sober and making the best choices he could.

Homeless, penniless, and busted up, Jeff had no place to go when it was time to leave the hospital. He had one last hope and that was a bridge he thought he had already burned. He called a shelter where he had stayed before. They remembered him and although they were reluctant, they said they would give him a bed but ONLY if he got there before 2am. It was 1:30am and he was at the hospital on the other side of town. Jeff said he wasn’t going to lose this opportunity like everything else he had lost. Jeff, after spending time in the hospital for a heart attack, brutal physical beating, and completely doped up on drugs, literally ran all the way across town and made it to the shelter by 2:00am. It was there, that with help, he made the choice to put his life back together.

After some time, and many drug and alcohol meetings later, Jeff started looking for jobs which was proving to be very difficult with years of prison gaps in his employment history. He heard about a job here at the hotel and applied for a maintenance position. In yet another instance of divine intervention, Jeff got an interview because the hiring manager went to the same high school as Jeff, so he gave him a chance. That chance, along with Jeff’s hard work and determination for a better life brings us to today. Jeff has been with the hotel for 18 years, has been clean and sober for 19 years, and is now the head of his department! He takes 100% of the responsibility for the bad choices he made, yet offers most of the credit for his recovery to the people who helped him out, and to God for not giving up on him.

Jeff is grateful that he is no longer dependent upon the “system” to take care of him. He works hard and earns everything he has. He spends much of his free time talking to the dis-advantaged youth in his community and trying to teach them about “freedom.” He want’s them to know that a small welfare check and a cheap apartment in the projects is not freedom, Rather, he feels you are a slave to a system that will never let you rise above your circumstances. He want’s the young people to be free to go to the movies, take trips to Europe, laugh and enjoy their youth before they start to have babies. He want’s them to appreciate the small things, and to know how good it feels to make positive choices and to inspire others. He want’s them to know that drugs will rob them of youth, and wants them to make choices they won’t regret when they are older. I have no doubt that Jeff is doing wonderful things to inspire the youth in his community. Jeff told me that when he lays down each night, it is just him and God. He prays, and thanks God for his blessings. He is grateful, he is happy, and he is an example of how life can be awesome if you decide to make it so!

I shook Jeff’s hand and thanked him for his heartfelt sharing. and thanked him for being a new friend!

I know it seems risky to befriend strangers who come to your hotel room, but I truly believe it is a much bigger risk to shut out people who may be in your life for a reason that you don’t even know about. I can’t be certain why our paths crossed but I am grateful to be able to share his story!

I emailed this post to Jeff before I shared it with you and he loved it. He shared this quote with me that he keeps next to his bed in a frame he purchased while volunteering at the Salvation Army: “Within the maddening maze of things, When tossed by storm and flood, To one fixed trust my spirit clings; I know that God is good!”

Live Inspired Now!
Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

OMG ya’ll!! I am so freakin’ excited!! My book is currently being printed! I am offering pre-sales to my readers, starting today. Every single pre-order (from this site only) will be autographed no matter how many copies you buy! So be sure to let me know who you would like me to sign the book to in your order. The books will be shipping around December 1st.

I am so grateful to all of you: friends, family, readers, and loyal fans! Your encouragement has been instrumental in keeping me motivated through the “not as glamorous as I imagined it to be” publishing process. I am beyond touched by the love and support you have offered me.

I hope you enjoy the book. Each chapter contains: an overview of how to achieve happiness in different aspects of life, a life lesson with my personal stories, and quick tips for easy reference on the chapter topic. You might be surprised by some of the stories! Each chapter gives a deeply personal story to allow you to get an idea of how my beliefs and understandings of the world developed. From funny stories about a “dildo” to my “darkest moments of despair,” I don’t hold anything back! If you have always wondered how a person who has been married 4 times could become an incredibly successful relationship coach, now you get to find out! You will laugh, cry, and learn how to be happy!

Here is what some readers have already said:

“Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness is an easy to read, fun filled yet touching journey to inspiration and the realization that happiness is right there waiting for every single one of us!” 
-Betsy Chasse; Tipping Sacred Cows and What The Bleep Do We Know?!

“Heather’s perspective is absolutely refreshing. She reminds us what is really important and how easy it is to be happy. She reminds us that it is always our CHOICE and that we are more powerful than we realize or give ourselves credit for. I laughed and cried while reading her truly heartfelt, honest and sometimes vulnerable stories. Don’t waste time, read it and start Living Inspired NOW!”
Peg Haust-Arliss, LCSW-R

Thank you again so much! I am deeply grateful and I look forward to hearing what YOU think of Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness!

Much Love, Inspiration, and Gratitude,

Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Money Reflections:
As you see the world around you as a Meer-or, all external situations are a reflection of your inner self. By changing yourself, you will change the world around you. For a lot of my clients right now, a shortage of money is a major roadblock. What’s the mirror of a money shortage? The most common reflection is a lack of self-worth. But there are more reflections. Because of the recession, a collective reflection right now is fear of shortages, fear of not having enough. If you really believe that in your core being, that’s what you radiate and will come back to you.

An antidote for fear is gratitude and asking the Universe what you really want. Every day in my meditation I express my gratitude for everything and everyone in my life and ask the Universe to help me with the goals I want to manifest. I also use incantations (affirmations said while moving and really feeling it) while I power walk to change the limiting beliefs I used to have about money. A short one which I repeat every day is: the truth is money is energy and it flows to me. Another reflection is grounding. If you are not grounded well enough, your company can’t have a strong foundation either and it’s more difficult to earn money. Sounds logical, right? Since I know this, I do a lot of grounding exercises like dancing, stamp your feet on the floor, ask Mother Earth to ground me even more and meditate with Boji stones.

How you really have to keep on asking to get a clear reflection, shows the story of one of my clients. She told me that she had a shortage of $900 dollars a year. She works in the department of eye specialists in a hospital. A job in which she is really good at and which she loves. A clarifying thing was that she told me that she felt that she was short sighted. She wanted to have more money in her life and really find her life mission, but … did not want to step out of her comfort zone. For her the external situation reflected her life purpose of ‘looking further’, practically meaning to look for a better paid job at a hospital further away. Other clients I coached had limiting beliefs like: money is dirty or rich people are unethical. It’s good to be aware of your thoughts and beliefs about money. Are they limiting or are they serving you? What you radiate, will come back to you.

Meer Fennema (Dutch, 1967)
Your Inner Voice Coach, International Speaker and Author

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

What happened? Where did all the kids go? You know the ones who use to play outside and were curious about the world. The ones who used their imagination to dream of far away lands with dragons and knights in the woods of their own back yards? The ones yelling, playing kickball, laughing and smiling at each other…. where did they go?

I think they forgot.. forgot what it was like to stop for a moment…put down the phones… go outside… breathe in the fresh, crisp air and stare at the world with wonderment.  We (the 70’s/80s kids) have forgotten…..WE have forgotten what it is like to just ‘be’ a kid.

How can we expect our children to do the same when we ourselves, don’t set the example. We are so stressed out, overworked, overburdened and overwhelmed that instead of turning everything off, sharing quality moments with our kids as we walk around and absorb the world, we give them things to tune out instead. Then we go ahead and label them as lazy, unmotivated, introverted, shy and call them the entitled generation… etc. We start to blame the world, the economy, schools, government, food and everything else before we turn that finger around and point it at ourselves.

Our children are only in our lives for a short time and then they grow up. It is our responsibility to guide them to be a contributing member of society. To get along and survive in a world that can seem cold and cruel at times and yet can be beautiful, amazing and full of endless possibilities.  It is our job to provide them with tools and strategies to navigate through the ups and downs and let it be known that giving back and inspiring others is what makes the world go around, and happiness is always achievable.

Our hearts are in the right place, but are actions speak otherwise. The good news is that there is always time to turn things around.  They say that kids today are so disconnected from their families, environment and themselves because they have been handed an electronic and a false sense of security. I have also heard the saying that we should be providing our kids with the correct information. Think about it… who is the better salesman?… YOU or the drug dealer. If they don’t hear it from you, there is always someone out there that will be happy to tell and sell them what they need.
Spending 20 minutes of quality time with them per day is all it takes for them to feel safe, connected and loved in a world that (thanks to the media) has scared them from taking risks. Our children are crying out to be noticed and are desperately seeking our approval and love. They deserve that much and speaking positive and uplifting words such as “I am proud of you” or “great job today doing___” can do wonders instead of “lazy, good for nothing, slob” and other demeaning labels.

Isn’t it time, we stop blaming others and stop labeling them.  We are responsible, and they are our responsibility. It’s time to put down our phones and be there for them and just listen…

Jodi Brichta-Coyne, Certified Life Coach and Strategic Interventionist, helps busy moms find their inner voice by helping them go from chaos to calmness by aligning their values with what matters most. “I help my clients face their challenges, develop a plan and get results so they can find time, joy and happiness again.”  www.momgoddesscoach.com  or  facebook.com/momgoddesscoach

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

I have been asked recently why I consider myself an inspirational speaker instead of a motivational speaker. I replied “inspired” means being in spirit, being in your truth therefore I simply need to show up and allow whatever message my soul has to deliver to be delivered. I am the messenger of a message guided from my heart to empower and touch your heart.

Motivation is motion in action. This is more of a performance based approach. It is just as effective but can fade because it touches your mind and less your heart. This is more like a pump your jam workout where I get you excited to get you moving.

This leads us to the Art of Inspired Action, the balance of both in order to achieve our dreams!

With LOVE,
Donna De Luca
Inspirational global leader of BE THE CHANGE

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!