
Today I stepped out of my “comfort zone” box to do a live radio interview on WNYR, 98.5 in Geneva, NY. It was COOL, but definitely not within my comfort zone. Now, I know… many of you are saying, “You do weekly broadcasts, you speak in front of large audiences. How could a radio interview be outside of your comfort zone?” Well, as a recovering perfectionist, I find that whenever I have to speak like that, I feel vulnerable. I ask myself, “What if nobody likes what I have to say?” or “What if I don’t sound professional?”

Yes, I still have those thoughts and feelings from time to time. That is human! I just don’t let it hold me back! The thing I have learned is that fear is OK, it won’t kill me, it won’t prevent me from doing anything. Only I can prevent myself from doing something. So I acknowledge the fear, and go forward! Don’t think that fear makes you weak, and don’t believe that fear has to stop you. The more you accept fear as your faithful companion, the less you end up feeling it!

For example, I used to feel very afraid to do my weekly broadcasts on Spreecast. My hands would shake, I would have to prepare for a good amount of time in advance to assure myself, and I would think about all the things that could go wrong…. then I would just do it. NOW… after having about a years worth of shows under my belt, my hands no longer shake, I don’t feel the need to over-prepare, and I don’t worry about what could go wrong because it has already happened! I have had days where the show didn’t go well at all. Either because there were technical difficulties, or because nobody watched, and yet, I survived and I am here to talk about it! Once you realize that there really is NO such thing as failure, there is only feedback, it removes your resistance to try scary things.

Today, I walked into the little box… the radio studio and gave it my best shot! I think it went very well and I look forward to doing it again next month. Maybe a few months in, I won’t feel the fear anymore… but even if I do, I know it won’t stop me from living my dream of inspiring the world to love, dream, experience, try new things, take risks, and to Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

It’s unfortunate that we ever have to break bad news to children, but when we do, it’s important to do it in a way that is gentle and won’t harm children. Please watch today’s video with tips that will help you break bad news in a way that is supportive and will help kids process through in the healthiest way possible. I speak specifically about breaking news of loss, but these tips apply when it comes to speaking to them about divorce, death, loss, tragedy, natural disasters, or whatever unfortunate event has occurred in their life. Please share this with anyone who needs it, and Live Inspired Now!

Here is the direct youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VWg39–Gew

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Wow! This has been quite the week… my 19 year old daughter Madison jumped out of a plane at 10,000 feet above the earth! I have felt relatively weird ever since. I have been a roller coaster of emotions since she landed safely, but what exactly have I been emotional about? I wasn’t quite sure at first, it took me a couple of days of reflection to really get to the root of what was going on. It had nothing to do with fear, in fact, I was completely relaxed and confident when she jumped. I knew without a doubt that not only would she be fine, but she would truly love the experience and be better for having done it.

So what was going on with my emotions? There were a couple of different things going on. First, was the sheer awe that I felt, that it was ME that created such a kick ass kid. I kept thinking back to when she was born and my life at the time was pure chaos and fear. As a young mother of 22 and married to an alcoholic, I really had no clue what I was doing. I think I was a pretty decent mom giving the circumstances I had created for myself, but I fell short often. I was so far from perfect, yet I raised this amazing young woman. I am grateful that she is making healthy choices for her life, and even more grateful that she and I are so very close.

The second thing I was feeling pretty emotional about was seeing Madison live life through the fear instead of letting it hold her back. Most people will never jump out of a plane and that is OK. But too many people will let other fears rule their life. Things like staying stuck in a crappy job they hate because they are too afraid to look for something else. Or people who are too afraid to love because they are stuck in the loss that they once felt. Or the people who resign themselves to mediocre living because they are too afraid to take a risk, or be judged by others. I was one of those people when I was Madison’s age and I now wonder what potential I might have had if I had a Mom like myself to encourage me to take life by the balls! Don’t get me wrong, my parents were not bad parents or people, but they were, and are, very different than me. I wonder if I would have been like Madison… brave.

I told you it was quite the week! lol. I am grateful for who I am today. I am grateful that I wasn’t brave back then because I might not have Madison now! I am grateful that I did discover my personal power and freedom.

Are you still struggling? Have you decided to take life by the balls yet? You might not want to jump out of a plane, but you CAN step outside of the box and create a freakin’ awesome life for yourself, no matter what age you are now! You CAN also “re-parent” yourself. That is to say that you can change how you feel about something that happened when you were a young person. Your “inner child” is still within you, and you can help her/him heal. You can parent you own inner child in able to let go of the past that is holding you back today.

Take a look at the things you are too afraid to do today. Trace them back to the original incident that created the fear. Then have a conversation with yourself about that incident and what it meant. Tell your younger self that is OK, you are allowed to process the feelings, and then let go of them. Tell your younger self that you are allowed to release the pain it caused. Spend some time really nurturing your younger self. Cry, laugh, yell, or do whatever comes to you… then heal.

If you need help letting go of the past that is holding back your present, please reach out to me today. Don’t let another day, week, year, decade go by without truly living and loving life and all it has to offer. Life can be SO magical when you are brave enough to take some risks and step into your own greatness. Get past your past, reach out today, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Be cautious of someone who is really high maintenance yet they have low standard values! These are the type of people who live what I consider a low quality life yet they expect high quality rewards. These might be the people who jump from one relationship to the next and complain that all the men/women they date are “losers.” Or the people who complain that they don’t get paid enough, but they are the employees who spend most of their time trying to get out of doing any work. Or even people who say they want a really fabulous relationship yet they ditch their spouse for their friends, or for Facebook, or for whatever distraction they can find. They might have kids that are making terrible choices, yet they blame the school, television, music, the other parent, etc… yet they never look at how they might be responsible.

Day after day people ask me what they should do about “so and so” who is making their life miserable! It seems as if people are surrounding themselves with these “high maintenance, low standard” people. Let me be the one to say it…. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO INVITE PEOPLE TO LEAVE YOUR LIFE! You are also allowed to make better choices when it comes to friends, and lovers! Don’t compromise your sanity because you don’t want to “hurt someone’s feelings.” If someone is being abusive, neglectful, hurtful, or just a big fat drama queen, you don’t have to tolerate that! The very best way to invite these people to leave your life, is to completely disengage! Don’t get involved. Don’t get sucked in to their drama. Don’t reply to their “emergencies.” Don’t answer their calls, emails, texts, snaps, tweets, PM’s, or IM’s. Just ignore them. You can try to have a civil conversation as well, but let’s face it; if they were mature enough to handle such a thing, you wouldn’t have to put them out of your life.

So stand up for yourself by disengaging from people that harm you and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Free broadcast, at 12 noon, eastern time on Spreecast. Today, my friend Peg, of Live More Life Coach will be joining me as we discuss how to safely transition into a meat free life! Join the conversation or just listen in, and get the answers to your questions about the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle!

Today, July 17th, 12:00 noon eastern time. Just click the link below to join:

PS: Click the link anytime to watch the playback!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!