Have you ever thought about why you do what you do? Like what happened way back when, that made you who you are today?

A man once told me that because he grew up extremely poor, he was motivated to feed hungry people as an adult. A woman told me that as a teenager her friend gave her a beautiful sweater, one that she could never afford, she now is dedicated to providing clothes to underprivileged kids.

I have several core stories that explain who I am today and why I do what I do. In today’s video I share my story that shaped who I am today…. the time I kidnapped a classmate and brought her home to live with me!

I’d love to hear what story motivated you to become who you are today! Share your story in the comment box!

Spread the love, and live inspired now!



Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

You know when you get lost in a day dream, or you’re in the shower and all those inspirational thoughts are just pouring into your head? Well that is “theta brain,” and that is the normal state of children up until 7 years old. In adults, this is the state of being hypnotized. So it’s like children are hypnotized until they are about 7.

During that period of development, kids often can’t tell the difference between what’s real, and what they imagine… it really is all the same to them. During this time, they are most influenced by their environment. It’s like their sub-conscious is wide open and what they see, feel, do, hear, and experience becomes the sub-conscious foundation for their future.

It is especially important to protect what goes into their little brains at this age. Yelling, screaming, fighting, arguing, loud noises, traumatic events, abandonment, neglect, inappropriate television, movies, or music, and abuse shapes their brain without them possessing the ability to process it.

On a good note, anything positive that happens before age 7 while in this hypnotic state builds a foundation for a happier, healthier life.

After 7, they become more conscious and are in the “alpha” brain. This is when they start to model the adults in their life. They learn directly from the behavior of those around them. You only get a few years of this and then…..

Puberty hits. Listen, once puberty comes, you are no longer able to control your kid. You literally ONLY have until they arrive at puberty to give them a solid foundation with which to survive the teenager years and beyond.

If you have a teenager in crisis, you can get help, but do not wait. The longer your teen remains in crisis, the harder to pull them out.

If your kid does drugs ONE time, intervene and get them help IMMEDIATELY! Do not believe they will “never do it again.” Do not feel pressured to do nothing because your spouse thinks “it’s no big deal.” Do not ignore the problem and think “oh it’s just a phase.” Do not overly coddle your kid because “he might hurt himself or run away if I’m too hard on him.”

These are nothing more than excuses to be a parent who isn’t doing the right thing for her kid.

Drugs, self-injury, suicidal talk, mental illness, blatant misbehavior, risky sexual activity, criminal activity, promiscuity, running away, social isolation, alcoholism, and emotional dysfunctions, are serious issues in young people and need to be addresses immediately. Waiting to address these issues is extremely risky and will most likely make the problems far worse.

I am on a mission to help families raise healthy young people who become great citizens! You can help too by reaching out if you need help, and by spreading the word about what you learn with other families and parents! It’s up to us to change the world…. one family at a time!

Please let me know what you think of this post, and please don’t wait to reach out if you need help with your young person. I look forward to hearing from you!

Love and Inspiration,


Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Educator, Motivational Speaker & Best-Selling Author
Call now: 607-269-7815 or email: Heather@liveinspirednow.com

Students LOVE Heather’s positive message! Teachers and administrators LOVE
Heather’s solutions!

Students need to know they have the power to change their future!


Not only did Heather survive being an awkward teenager who suffered from “oh my Gosh, please don’t notice me” and “wait, why doesn’t anyone notice me,” but she turned those anxiety filled years into a light-hearted, and inspirational talk. Your group of teens will connect, engage, laugh, and appreciate Heather’s family friendly, positive message of empowerment!

Heather is a best selling author, family life coach, and youth speaker, and she shares her message of inspiration all over the world.

Your students will learn about:
• Making Positive Choices
• Handling Peer Pressure
• Healthy Self-Expression
• Overcoming Challenges
• Leadership

Questions, comments, or to book Heather now:
Call us:
Email us: heather@liveinspirednow.com


Tina Nilsen-Hodges, Principal New Roots Charter School
“Ms. Paris is deeply compassionate and generous with her time, resources and spirit in service to young people. Her unflagging positive energy and genuine interest in students supported their success, even and especially when events outside of school threatened to derail them. I am deeply appreciative of her contributions to New Roots Charter School in our first two “start up” years, when talents and her commitment to service were invaluable to our schools growth and development.”

Natalie Krone, President NYS Phi Beta Lambda
“Heather was the keynote speaker to the student leadership conference held by the Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda, NYS chapter. I couldn’t have had a better speaker to remind the students to go after their passion. She was funny, down to earth and was easy to get swept away by listening to her stories. She is a true inspiration and genuinely caring individual who shows everyone that she too is human and not perfect. I highly suggest going to see her speak and follow her on social media sites for her words of wisdom. She will help remind you of what’s important in life. Thank you Heather for being so inspiring!!”

Jim Schreck, WNYR Program Director, Morning Host
“The first time I met Heather Paris, I knew I had to get her on the air. The story of how she turned her life around was so inspiring and so relatable to my audience, that I lobbied strongly for a regular appearance. Heather offers both common sense and unconventional strategies designed to lift people from where they are, to where they want to be. And, she does all of this with a positive infectious attitude. As a speaker, she would be an asset to any gathering.”

Laurie Strough-Smith, Life Stylist; Red Inspiring
“Heather’s passion and dedication to today’s youth shines through in everything she says and does, both on stage and in person! She is inspiring, encouraging, and really easy to relate to!”

RR, Age 15
“Mrs. Paris has made me realize that my education is important and I should treat myself with more respect. Even though I have made mistakes in my life, that doesn’t mean that I have to continue to make those same mistakes.”

Dawn Thurmond, Special Education Teacher
“The students loved her and always ask when she is coming back for another visit. Heather’s positive attitude, fun energy, and great stories keep kids engaged, and eager to make better choices!”


Questions, comments, or to book Heather now:
Call us:
Email us: heather@liveinspirednow.com

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Even if your child is mentally healthy, he or she IS going to school with a child that isn’t and it can impact YOUR child greatly.

Most children are not born with mental illness. I’m not talking about developmental disabilities like autism, or downs syndrome, I’m talking about mental illness like bi-polar disorder, depression, or anxiety.

Kids are not born depressed or anxious. Usually, they develop these conditions after trauma, or because they live in an unstable environment. Kids who grow up in households with parents who fight exhibit the same symptoms as kids who grow up in war torn countries with bombs going off daily.

Kids who grow up with parents who struggle with mental illness or addiction are almost guaranteed to suffer from mental illness or drug / alcohol addiction themselves. While there are some legitimate mental disorders that a child can develop even in the best of circumstances, the majority of psychological issues come from the environment.

The child that sees mom getting beat up by dad will almost certainly find themselves in an abusive relationship. The child that witnesses a drunk or high parent, will almost certainly abuse drugs or alcohol. The child that caters to a depressed parent that won’t get out of bed, will also struggle with depression. It’s called inter-generational transmission. You are transmitting your choices, behaviors, actions, and problems to your children and it becomes their way of life.

There is some good news though. The parent who makes a conscious effort to get healthy will also impact their kids in a healthy way! Let your kids see you making healthy choices, and they will too! Let your kid see you walking outdoors, throwing out all the cigarettes and beer, getting up off the couch or out of bed, reading self help books, or making changes with the help of a professional coach or therapist.

I can’t tell you how soul crushing it is to see a young person in crisis because of learned helplessness. We bitch and complain about kids these days but WHO is taking a stand to step up and educate young people to be healthy and whole? Today… I am and I hope you will too!

Here’s what we can do:

1 Start at home. If you have challenges, especially psychological issues, GET HELP NOW. Don’t wait another moment. Pick up the phone and schedule an appointment, and start making healthier choices. Do it for yourself and for YOUR future generations who will all be impacted by your choice today!

2 Spread the word. If you know people who are struggling, let them know they can get help! Share this email, or offer them a self help book. Offer to go with them to their first coaching or therapy session, or take them to a self help workshop!

3 Educate your children. Personal growth and development doesn’t have to begin in adulthood. Kids today are super smart and can understand the concepts of taking care of their mental health. All kids need coaches too! They need a trusted adult that they can learn from and lean on besides their parent. Kids with mentors or coaches are 55% more likely to go to college, 130% more likely to hold leadership positions, and are 46% less likely to use drugs!

You DO have the power to impact your self, kids, family, schools, community, and world! Please help me get the word out so we can make a difference. Every parent we help; is a child that has a better future!

Contact me right now if you want coaching for yourself, your child, or if you need help sharing this message with your local schools or organization!

Spread the love, and live inspired now!



Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

The greatest gift we give and receive is love. No matter what your struggles are, love is the answer. Love for one another, but even more… to love yourself.

You were created with purpose, love yourself enough to go out and live it!

Last month I had the privilege of speaking at a church in Syracuse, NY about unconditional love. The Apostolic Church was kind enough to let me record my talk, so I get to share it with you here today!

Watch it, share it, spread the love, and live inspired now!



Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!