I love all things that have to do with Fall! Last night Thad and I took the kids to a haunted corn maze. Harry and I stayed back while Thad took Mattie and Ethan through the maze. Harry and I had so much fun watching the people nervously waiting in line and we ran around the farm taking “spooky” pictures and even made a silly “Blair Witch” style video. Thad, Mattie and Ethan were “terrified” in the haunted maze while being chased by ghosts and goblins! We all had such a great time and today the fun continues with pumpkin painting! We love to paint instead of carving, it is a little easier and you can be super creative with a variety of paint colors! So today, have some Fall fun with creative pumpkin painting and Live Inspired Now!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!
Thad and I are lucky enough to have 3 sets of parents; his, mine and ours. “Ours” is the older couple who live across the street. They truly consider Thad as their third son and graciously welcomed me as their daughter in law when Thad and I got married. EJ (dad) was over this morning for coffee before he and Thad get busy on our home construction project. While EJ was here, he regaled us with stories from his youth. He told us about scuffles at the local bar and where everything used to be located. He shared stories about him and Pat (mom) dating and where they used to go. I think I could have sat there for hours listening, it was nice to get a glimpse of a time we would never have known about. Stories are the only way people had to communicate hundreds of years ago, these days we have a million options to convey a story but I still think the best way is to listen. So today, talk to your parents, grandparents or even and older person that is close to you. They have some amazing stories if you will take the time to ask about them. Listen, learn, enjoy the time spent with an elder and Live Inspired Now!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!
I am a total YES person! I love saying yes and trying new things but sometimes you have to say NO! Saying no for some people is difficult, they say yes so much that they forget to say no when they are over extended or just need time for themselves. I often hear people (especially Moms) telling about all the things they do and how they feel so overwhelmed. Soccer practice, music lessons, tutoring, work, laundry, cooking, cleaning, volunteering, taxi services, lending an ear, projects and more… learn to say NO! You can’t do all things for all people at all times. You have to say no once in a while and remember to take care of you, or at least take a break. It is perfectly fine to say NO to one more responsibility that someone wants you to take on! Say it with me: no, no thank you, not now, I’m sorry but I can’t, maybe next time, I would love to but I am booked up. Say no and take time for yourself before you get overwhelmed or resentful and Live Inspired Now!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!
How many times in life has someone tried to bait you into an argument or provoke you into a fight? Our ego loves to engage with other people but we don’t have to participate in the drama of other people. Even though it might be a difficult choice sometimes, we can choose to walk away. We are responsible for what we engage in. Truthfully though, who cares about being right? People will try to debate you about your opinions but who cares? Do we really need to be right? What would happen if we just walked away and the other person was left thinking they were right because we didn’t choose to engage and debate with them? Who cares; just walk away! Walking away from people who want to drag you into their drama leaves you feeling in control. People who continuously argue and fight or feel the need to provoke others are trying to feed an ego and they usually have pretty low self confidence. A person with self confidence never has to prove that he is right, he just knows it. So today, walk away from arguments and drama, keep your head high, be in control of your own life and Live Inspired Now!
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!
People have stories, some deep and painful, some shameful, some they would never tell anyone. Everyone has these stories, you are not alone or unique. Sharing these stories can take the shame, guilt or pain out of them. It can also make you realize that you are not the only person who felt that way, that other people have felt or experienced the same thing.
After I had my first child, 18 years ago, I had postpartum depression. I had no idea what that was, nor did I know that I had it. I had just had a baby and didn’t understand why I was so sad and constantly thought about jumping out of the window with my baby in my arms. I refused to talk to anyone about it because I thought I was crazy and was ashamed at how I had felt. It wasn’t until years later that I realized what I had been going through and wished I had told someone back then. It might have made that time easier or given me peace of mind to know that I was not crazy, nor was I the only one to ever experience that. I am grateful that my daughter and I got through it unharmed and now I share this story with the hope that it may help someone who is afraid to ask for help.
Please share your stories and experiences, don’t hide them away and let them have control over you. Let them out so that other people can learn from it and feel better about their own stories. On a planet with billions of people, nobody is alone, if you have experienced it, so has someone else. We are all connected by our emotions, our feelings and our stories. So today, be brave, inspire and help others with your story and Live Inspired Now.
Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!