Today I will be talking about “grit” which means finishing what one starts despite obstacles or challenges. This is something we could all work on, not just kids. Many people will quit something that becomes too challenging or only look for jobs/work that will be easy for them in order to ensure their success. Encourage kids to try new things and allow them to figure out solutions to problems. The “hover parent” has a hard time raising independent and resilient kids because they are constantly hovering and fixing the child’s mistakes. Allow kids to mess things up so they can figure out how to fix things themselves. Trouble shooting is a highly desirable skill but if they are always rescued from their mistakes, they never learn how to problem solve. Since they wont be equipt to handle problems, they could come to really dislike challenges, and thus becoming under-achievers. 
Instill grit by allowing kids to do things on their own and without fixing their mistakes. You can let them know you are there if they need something but tell them “I know you can handle it!” Encourage them to show you what they have accomplished and praise their efforts. Let them know that failures are actually great rewards because they teach them valuable lessons and strengthen their skills.
So today, teach your kids about grit, allow them to do things and fix their own mistakes and Live Inspired Now!


Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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