One of the biggest mistakes people make is to do nothing because they think they are powerless. The only time we are powerless is when we are dead. If you are still breathing, you have the power to make changes for yourself, your family, your community or even the world! You just have to be willing to follow your heart, take some chances, and disregard nay-sayers! Making even one change can make a huge impact because of the residual effects. Like dominoes, the smallest action of flicking one block down, impacts every other block connected to it.

Sometimes you don’t even realize the impact you have on others. I often get people who say to me that one of my posts really helped them to think differently about something and it changed their life and I had no idea until they told me. Never underestimate the power of living in alignment with your beliefs and values because you are setting and example for others which is another form of power.

We don’t always get feedback but make no mistake, you are not powerless! If nothing else, you have the power to change your own mind and thinking, to change how you react to things or people, and to change how you act in any situation!

Embrace your power, resist the urge to do nothing, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Lately it seems that many people have been asking me about communication. Any of my clients and readers know that I believe communication is the corner stone to success in almost everything we do. Usually I am talking about communication between couples, or parents. Today, I thought I would give you a few tips about effective workplace communication!

9 Tips To Successful Workplace Communication:

1 Build rapport with whomever you are communicating. Do this by matching their voice tones and body language. For example, If you go in to talk to your boss, and he is sitting completely upright, rigid, with little expression, and speaking to you with a soft voice, do not go in there and slouch back casually in the chair, with your legs thrown way out, leaned back, and start the conversation with a loud, booming voice. Matching body language makes the other person feel more secure around you.

2 Act professionally. React calmly; interact appropriately. Don’t act in a way that will have co-workers thinking you were hired because you are the boss’s brother. Don’t react negatively or blow up every time something happens. Don’t gossip, cause drama, hit on co-workers, or use any behavior that your mother or grandmother would not approve of. It’s a workplace, be professional.

3 Learn to use better language and express what you mean without offending. The English language with all it’s complexities can be quite confusing. The words you use may mean something entirely different to another person. For example, remember in the 1980’s when all the kids were saying “That’s bad!” which actually meant that’s good? We offend people all the time with words they may not like or tones they think are snarky. You can’t please everyone, but you can keep it neutral enough so as not to offend most.

4 Don’t be a mind reader or expect others to be one either. You probably DON’T know exactly how another person feels so don’t say you do. Additionally, don’t expect other people to know what you want or need. Assuming that another person will finish up your project the way you like is setting you both up for failure. Communicate with words, not telepathy.

5 If you have an issue or challenge, communicate with the source directly. You can go home later and vent to your spouse, but don’t vent to co-workers; this is really just gossiping. Go speak to whomever you are having the challenge with and work things out. Focus on the issues, not the personalities involved. You don’t have to like everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work effectively together.

6 Express gratitude. People like to help people who are grateful. Be sure to thank anyone who offers you help.

7 Avoid negative talk. You DON’T want to be the office’s “Debbie Downer” or “Negative Nelly.” People prefer to be around other people who are positive. People don’t like to walk away from a conversation feeling drained or depressed.

8 Always be sincere and considerate. Nobody likes a sycophant, or someone who is only interested in personal gain. Zig Ziglar once said “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” This is true on many levels. People like people who help others, not people who blow smoke. People also like people who are sincere and true to who they are. You don’t have to be syrupy sweet all the time, but honor your own values, and think of other people.

9 Laugh. Be sure to use humor that won’t offend. That means save the “Yo Mama” jokes for home but feel free to use appropriate humor at work. Appropriate humor for the workplace would be humor that would be OK for your children to hear. When in doubt, don’t say it.

The workplace is a cacophony of personalities with an unlimited amount of perceptions. You may never orchestrate perfectly, but you can harmonize pretty well if you apply these successful communication tips. Start today with some great communication skills, enjoy your workplace, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Everyone has been hypnotized! Don’t believe me? Have you ever sang along to a song in the car that you could never sing unless it were playing? Have you ever driven home and not remembered the actual drive because you were lost in thought? How about the times when you reacted to an old problem that wasn’t a problem anymore just because you remembered it? We are ALL in a state of trance, more often than not! It is natural and normal and even a good thing, if you use it correctly! The best part is that we can TRAIN ourselves to create positive trances that will improve our lives and help us reach our goals.

Milton Erickson said “You can pretend anything and master it!” This is especially true with happiness! You learned to live the way you’re currently living. You might have learned to be negative, or pessimistic, in the past.  In the same way, you can learn to be happy and positive simply by creating habits that empower you!

Create positive new outlooks by practicing meditation and relaxation; question any beliefs that harm you, and model others positive choices and behavior. Our perceptions create our behavior. That means, what we think about a situation determines how we act or react to it…. and we could be wrong! For example: you might react and get angry to a car that cuts you off, only to discover that the driver of the car was rushing their mother to the hospital because she wasn’t breathing. You just never know whats going on… you can only use your perception to make an assumption. Is it time to change some of your common assumptions?

When you become aware, and create more positive patterns, you free yourself from the prison of anger, resentment, jealousy, pain, irritability, and overreacting to things beyond your control. It is time to create some healthy trance states so your unconscious reactions are beneficial and helpful to your life. Set yourself up for success, enjoy fulfillment and happiness, and Live Inspired Now!

***Please contact me if you are ready to create your own happiness. With new patterns of thought, you create new patterns of behavior that will enable your success! By working together with you, I will give you the tools you need to create the inspired life you have always dreamed of!***

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Even my hotel gets it!! Stay INSPIRED!! I am in Boston at a 4 day conference with my colleagues. We are learning wonderful new strategies to further help our clients overcome challenges! I am so inspired by the event. People coming together from all over the world with a common purpose to help heal others and a desire to learn. I can’t wait to share all the inspiration I have gained from this exciting week. Not just from the conference, but from friends, watching transformations, meeting new people, connecting with virtual friends, visiting local landmarks, the road trip to and from, and missing my family. Yes, inspiration has even come to me from missing my family. 
I will be back to blogging on Tuesday. So have a wonderful weekend everyone and in the words of a pretty smart hotel room key… Stay INSPIRED! 😉

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

cre·a·tiv·i·ty: [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee]

There are many benefits to being creative! The act of creating can be a stress reliever, and an amazing source of self expression. It is important to make time to be creative, to shut out the world and get in touch with your deeper self.

Do you have those moments or places where you always seem to have great ideas? For me, it is in the shower! I seem to do my best thinking in there and that is because  I am relaxed and allowing myself to be open to ideas and concepts. I even keep my phone near the shower so as soon as I can get out, I make a note of the ideas that I thought of. There are many ways to open the flood gates to creativity!

Check out this list and see what works for you to get your creative juices flowing!

Meditation (sit in silence)
Body movements; dance, skip, sway, exercise, yoga, move with music
Read; especially inspirational stories of accomplishment or perseverance
Talk long walks in nature
Listen to music
Try an art: painting, drawing, sculpting, crafting
Check out what others are doing…,, craft shows, HGTV, craft magazines
Try something new; even if you don’t know how to do it
Sit someplace weird to get new perspective; lay on the floor, sit upside down on couch
Re-arrange your office/work/living space
Change your routine; drive a different way home from work
Create “crappy” works of art; just to get you started
Drop delusions of perfection
Hang out with creative people

Be sure to make time to be creative! It can be very therapeutic and is actually good for your health! Schedule some time for creativity, have fun, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!