Too many people are focused on what they are NOT getting in life rather than what they can give. If you give what you want, you will also receive it. I get calls/emails daily from people who want me to fix their significant other because he or she is not giving them what they need. Rarely does anyone ever call and say “I think I need to consider my partners needs more in order to strengthen our relationship, can you help me?” I have been talking about self awareness for a month now and I just can’t state it enough. The more self aware you become, the more focused on giving and the more you can practice non reaction, the more fulfilling life will become. If you give love you feel love, if you give compassion you feel compassion, if you cause drama you feel drama and if you spread hate, you feel hatred. It really is that simple.
If your partner is acting badly, think about what they might be dealing with, try to be compassionate and keep your cool. (We are talking about normal upset or angry reactions, NOT abuse. Abuse is never OK.) Wait until the storm passes then talk to your partner, find out why they are upset and give them time to express their feelings without internalizing it, without assuming you are the cause. Most disagreements or misunderstandings stem from one person taking offense to their partners feelings. Feelings are valid but do some work and figure out where they actually come from rather than “blaming” everyone else. We all have the choice to act or react to every moment. Don’t be so unaware that you just assume everything is about you. Focus on what you can give to your relationship and to the world while remembering to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself is also doing good for others because you are setting a good example as well as making your environment more pleasant which makes it easier for you to continue to focus on doing more good! The cycle of altruism is one of the best gifts you could ever give to the world! So today, focus on giving what you want to the world, become more self aware and evolved and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Drama is highly addictive and can cause real problems in life. Drama is the need to turn everything into something huge to satisfy a large need for significance. We all know the people who turn mole hills into mountains. The people who stub their toe and it turns into the worst injury in the history of the planet, in fact “the doctor has never ever seen anything like THIS!” Or how about the person who knows everything about everyone…. perhaps you contact this person when you have news to share because you know if you tell her that she will let EVERYONE else know! Or perhaps you know someone who start arguments in their relationship because they are bored or unhappy.
All of these things are “drama” and can become addictive. Drama can make you feel important because you are getting all the attention. It also gives you a sense of adventure because of the heightened emotions and adrenaline. It also makes you feel connected to the people who buy into your drama and you feel secure knowing that you have others hooked. This is enough to create a serious addiction to drama. It is no different than getting your needs met by a drug and it creates damaging habits that stimulate brain chemicals that create that “drama high.”
Become self aware and stop the drama! Find ways to feel important through acts of kindness or altruism. Create bonds that don’t rely on manipulation or drama to stay together. Build your relationship on peace, love and giving to one another. Meet your need for adventure through healthy activities like exercise, hiking or something fun that you don’t often do. You could also kill your TV. Television, especially reality TV, is the king of drama. It sensationalizes life and gives you a false sense of reality which can make you feel like your own life is uneventful.
So think about it… do you know anyone who is addicted to drama? If you don’t know anyone at all… is it you? Kill the drama, create real relationships and bonds, find healthier choices and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Money is an awesome tool and it allows you to do many things that you can’t do without it. However, it will never buy you feelings of happiness or put you at peace. Peace and happiness come purely from within. No amount of porcelain figurines, dainty rose teacups, sports memorabilia, primitives, or new furnishings will make you happy. Your happiness depends 100% upon your choice to be or not to be. Our country is inundated with plastic crap made in foreign countries that we think we need yet, people remain “unhappy.” We all like to have nice things and there is nothing wrong with that but know that those things are just that… things. They possess no powers to make us happy, no peace making abilities and certainly don’t do anything to change your station in life. Shopping is not therapeutic; there is nothing you can buy that will make you happy. So today, instead of shopping for more things to dust off, take a walk in nature, meditate, smile for no reason, focus on all the things you already possess within and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Be content with what you have even if you want more. Contentment is about being happy where you are with what you have. Part of that contentment is being OK with where you are on your journey. You might want to go further or get more in life but be content with what you have at the moment. For example, I am working towards getting my book published as well as working on a few other new projects yet each day, I am completely content where I am in the process. Life is about the journey not just the destination. Be content along every step of the way, live and enjoy every moment! So today, don’t focus as much on “getting” or “arriving,” rather enjoy each and every moment and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

The most important thing you can ever have as a parent is a good relationship with your child. Talk to them, kick their butts when they need it, laugh with them, ground them, eat dinner with them, listen to them, encourage them, smile at them, compliment their art and craft creations, allow them to be open and honest and you do the same, set boundaries, be a good example, get to know their friends, celebrate their accomplishments, reward their kindness, act goofy together, tell them you love them, hug them before they leave each day, check up on them, watch their games, empower them to make good choices, give them responsibilities, tell them they are beautiful/handsome, but most of all, always be present and available. When all is said and done… all that really matters is that you have a relationship with your child and that relationship lasts into adulthood. Being a parent is not easy and often our kids don’t like our decisions but in the long run they know you are just looking out for their best interest. My daughter Mattie told me yesterday that she was glad she didn’t have facebook or a cell phone anymore because it forced to her to not participate in the teenage drama that all girls her age are drawn in to. It gives her an “out” from the drama and she can “blame” us for it although she is actually grateful. Kids need boundaries and even if they don’t seem to appreciate them, they do, because it takes a great deal of pressure off of them. Don’t be afraid to make the tough parenting decisions, to dish out consequences for bad behavior, or to get your child help if he or she needs it. Parenting is challenging but the reward is a healthy adult that brings grand babies or even grand fur babies home to visit. 🙂 So today, talk to your children, you didn’t raise them to ignore them, spend some quality time, be the example of a healthy, happy adult and Live Inspired Now!

PS: If you need help in your family with a challenging relationship, please do not wait… contact me today for help.

PPS: Sign up for the parenting workshop coming up in a couple of weeks:
Strengthening Your Family… Parenting through all ages and stages!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!