Your energy, good or bad, effects everyone around including pets. One bad attitude can hurt an entire family just as easily as one really happy person can bring light and peace. What are you bringing to those around you? Have you ever been around someone who is festering with anger or rage? Even if that person is not saying anything, you can still feel the intense energy and it makes you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel like I want to run out of the room or escape when a person’s energy is heavy or hostile like that. Even animals can sense it and will go hide.
I often wonder if there is a correlation between pit bull attacks and their owners energy. You hear about pit bulls (or other dogs) becoming vicious and attacking people yet some people raise pit bulls and they are are docile and lovable. Do people with angry energy tend to buy these types of dogs and are they transferring their own energy to the animal? Just something to think about I suppose…. but I DO know that animals can be just as vulnerable to energy as any human can be.
Knowing all this, we should be careful about what type of energy we are sharing with people, especially our children. Kids are extremely intuitive and are highly susceptible to energy transference. Be sure they are surrounded with lots of positive, healing and joyous energy and avoid people who bring them down. Nobody wants to be around someone who is perpetually pessimistic, unwell, negative, or unwilling to release themselves from unhappiness.
So today, check your own energy…. how are you feeling and what are you conveying to others? Ask your family how they feel around certain people and see if you can notice a trend. Ask your kids if they can sense how other people feel and if it matches the way they appear. Teach the kids about energy and become aware of your own and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

It’s Friday, life is full of amazing things, go out and find them, go out and BE them! Don’t settle for common when you are the only YOU on the planet and only you can create your life. Put a little extra pep in your step today, take a risk, be optimistic, refuse mediocrity, laugh in the face of judgement or drama, rise above your current standard, and LIVE INSPIRED NOW!!!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Gratitude is an attitude that improves every aspect of life! It would be challenging to be unhappy or pessimistic if you were truly grateful for every moment you have. In the current day and age, we tend to focus on doing and having more, accomplishments and achievements. Even personal development which should be about self actualization has become a “take massive action to achieve more” industry. We need to spend more time in the reflection of gratitude and acceptance of where we are on the journey. If we solely focus on our goals and achievement we will never enjoy where we are.
Teach children to be grateful for what they have, who they are, and for just waking up each day! Talk about gratitude, let the kids know what you are grateful for. Start a gratitude board and have everyone in the home post something they are grateful for each day. Teach them to be thankful for another day on earth and give them some perspective. Remind them that they have opportunities and luxuries that many other people in the world may never have. Tell them stories about the “olden days” when we didn’t have cell phones and computers. (lol. olden days. lol) Ask the kids each night at dinner to recall something they were grateful for in their day. Teach kids to say thank you for everything as it reflects an attitude of gratitude. Take time out to celebrate accomplishments. Have ice cream to celebrate finishing a school project before rushing into the next one, or take the kids to the park to celebrate Spring.
So today, no matter what, just show gratitude as often as possible and encourage the kids to do the same. Even a “tough” life has an abundant amount of things to be grateful for if you are willing to see them. Be grateful, teach your children to the same and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Optimism is one of my favorite character traits! I LOVE optimistic people, they are the nicest people to spend time with. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with someone who is mostly happy, always knows that things will work out, and has a smile on their face? Optimistic people expect the best and aren’t afraid to work toward the future, they get over set backs quickly and can weather storms much better than someone who focuses on the bad. For every bit of bad in the world, there is just as much good so it boils down to which we decide to focus on. Optimism takes practice and kids can learn it by watching parents have positive attitudes. You can encourage kids optimism by reading happy things, avoiding TV and the news, and helping them see how “bad” things often turn into blessings. You can also immerse them in optimism by sticking post it notes with positive quotes all over the house, writing a daily quote for them to read, smiling, telling them stories that have happy endings and laughing at things! Optimism is just so much darn fun!! A positive outlook will serve children well throughout life, it is a comfort to know that things always have a way of working out! 
So today, take a sip of happiness and share it with the kids! Look at the bright side and find opportunities to share laughter and joy and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Zest is not just a brand of soap! It is an enthusiasm and excitement for all that you do; a desire to be active and feel alive! Children learn to be passionate about things by watching their parents get excited and from receiving encouragement for things they are good at. Passion is rarely produced by constantly pointing out what a child does poorly. Kids get excited about things when they are anchored in good feelings and emotions. If a child comes home excited about a new book or a new school project, spend time talking about it and show enthusiasm for your child’s involvement. Encourage them to participate fully in whatever they are excited about.
My son Ethan learned to play chess at school and he was pretty excited about it. None of us play chess but Thad learned just so he could play with Ethan. After losing several times Ethan said he didn’t want to play with dad anymore because he never got to win. I explained that losing was a GOOD thing because he was getting experience that he wouldn’t have if he played against someone below his ability. I also told him that someday when he won, he would know that he had accomplished something that was difficult and could be proud of himself. Well it wasn’t very long before Ethan DID beat Thad! Oh my goodness, you would have thought the kid won the lottery! It was great! He couldn’t stop smiling and he told every person he knows! He also admitted to me that the victory felt so good because he knew he beat a challenging opponent and that gave him great satisfaction.
Kids don’t get excited about everything but when they do, encourage them and look for opportunities to help them stay excited. So today, promote zest and passion in your kids, and in YOU as well and Live Inspired Now!


Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!