toxicDo you know what the lymphatic system of the body does? 
It’s basically your body’s waste removal system and it only works on movement. So if you don’t move, it doesn’t move, then you get toxic because your body isn’t moving all the garbage out.
This is true with everything… relationships, family, business….
If your family is struggling, you HAVE to take action to get help otherwise the family becomes toxic and stops functioning… just like your lymphatic system.

Here are a few tips to get you into action so you can tackle family issues head on:


* Ask for help
* Read books by experts
* Have a family meeting and get input from all family members
* Come up with a plan WITH your kids 
* Spend more time together doing activities that don’t involve screens
* Plan something together: vacation, daycation, celebration, etc
* Hire a coach: I am always happy to offer a free consultation! Send me a message now!
Whatever you decide to do, it will always be better than doing nothing! Even if it doesn’t work at least you know what not to do and can course correct. 
There is NO possible way that you are the only one going through your specific challenge. It’s something that MANY people have struggled through. You are not alone. Don’t isolate yourself and ignore the problem.
Take my hand, let’s walk through it together! 
With love, gratitude, and inspiration,
Heather <3 
Email me:

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

It may sound like a small thing but yesterday I impulsively decided to apply to be a vendor at an art festival selling my hand painted rocks!

Big hairy deal right?

Well impulsivity CAN be a big deal… if you don’t learn to manage it! 

People, especially young people, have a need for adventure! Some more than others, but we ALL have the need.

Personally, my need for adventure is higher than most and when I was younger, I would sometimes meet that need in a negative way because I didn’t understand it or know how to meet my needs in healthier ways.

So impulsively spending money on clothes that I didn’t need, quitting a job, or getting in my car and driving to visit a friend 6 hours away on a whim was standard practice in my young life.

NOW… I’ve learned to take risks without being risky. I allow myself to be impulsive on things that hold little or no risk to my personal safety, stability, or integrity.

I cannot tell you how important it is to learn, or teach your kids, to be adventurous in a safer way!

Kids that need higher amounts of adventure are at high risk for getting involved in unhealthy activities like drugs, sexual encounters, gangs, disruptive behavior, and risky stunts, dares, or challenges if they aren’t directed to healthier choices!

Allow yourself or your children to be “adventurous” in ways that won’t risk personal safety, health, or happiness! 

Some adventurous examples for kids might be snowboarding, zip lining, hiking, cutting school for a mom/son date day, or even just daring them to climb into the pillow bin at Walmart! Find ways to let them get their heart pounding, adrenaline racing, and laughing their butts off!

It’s good to engage in adventure from time to time! 

So…. yes, I entered a festival as a rock painting “artist” and guess what? They accepted me! So now I get to spend the Summer painting rocks in preparation for the “Purple Painted Lady” festival in September and I couldn’t be more thrilled! It’s simply for the FUN of it… nothing more! If I don’t sell one single rock, I don’t even care… I’ll give them away for Christmas! lol. Painting is a source of meditation and relaxation for me and I’m happy to have any “excuse” to paint!

What can you do today to be a little impulsive in a healthy way? Hit reply to this email and let me know your adventure……

The Live Inspired Now Life Coach Training School is NOW OPEN for registration!!!

YOU can be the influence that changes lives for the better!

With your experience combined with the skills in this training, you will take your own personal growth to a new level, you will learn how to raise/teach emotionally resilient kids, and you’ll be able to apply all these strategies to your daily life!

If you find this content helpful, please share it! Sharing is inspiring! 

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris 
Email me:

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Happily Ever After Starts Here… 

Get the practical tools and insights you need for a strong relationship that’s built-to-last.

The 7 Principles Workshop, taught by Gottman Leaders Thad & Heather Paris, is a fun, must-have class for seriously dating, engaged, and married couples and is based on 40+ years of groundbreaking relationship research!

Who Should Attend?

– Dating couples
– Premarital
– Everyone from newlyweds to seniors
– Those who wish to enhance a good marriage
– Those needing better relationship conflict management tools
– LGBTQ couples welcome

The Seven Principles Program includes lectures and private couple exercises.

**Participants will not share their personal problems in front of others.** 

Registration includes a copy of the best-selling book and all required training materials. Cost: $299 per couple.

Light refreshments provided with extensive meal options available in the casino during meal break. Book a room and stay over and make it a whole date weekend experience!

Register now- space is very limited!

 “7 Principles For Making Marriage Work” at del Lago Resort and Casino in Waterloo, New York!!

We only have space for 3 more couples so if you are interested, act NOW!! Get more info here!!!  Or email us

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris 
Email me:

Coaching is a holistic alternative to therapy. It’s fast, affordable, and highly effective! Just hit reply to this email if you’d like to know how coaching could help you or your family!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

angry-momIf you NEVER said this again, you’d be happier and so would everyone else…


“You should….”
“I should…”
“He should have…”

Stop should-ing all over the place! Let’s face it, people don’t like being told what they should do. So when your best friend, or your spouse, or one of your kids needs advice or guidance leave the “should” out of it.

Instead try…

“If it were me, I might….”
“It’s up to you but you may want to consider…”
“What have you tried/considered so far?”

These types of statements offer support without judgment or condescension AND they empower the other person to come  up with their own solutions! 

And this will make you a rockstar communicator! 🙂

OMG…. I almost forgot!!! Guess what Thad and I have coming up in March?? A one day relationship retreat called “7 Principles For Making Marriage Work” at del Lago Resort and Casino in Waterloo, New York!!

We only have space for 3 more couples so if you are interested, act NOW!! Get more info here!!!  Or hit reply to this email! 

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris 
Email me:

Coaching is a holistic alternative to therapy. It’s fast, affordable, and highly effective! Just hit reply to this email if you’d like to know how coaching could help you or your family!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

What’s the BEST gift ever???

It’s your enthusiasm for whatever your spouse is excited about! 

When was the last time your spouse came to you with an idea, thought, or project and you didn’t show enthusiasm?

In fact, you might have half-heartedly said “That’s nice.” with no excitement in your voice, no sparkle in your eye, and no concern in your heart for your partners feelings.

If you really want to give an awesome gift that they will never forget… GET FUCKING EXCITED!!! Yes, that required an F-bomb. 

This is one of the biggest complaints I hear… one spouse is excited about something and the other spouse is a complete buzz kill with their droll, lackluster response.

Come on now, SHOW SOME EXCITEMENT and watch how your spouse lights up!

They might even shower you with affection because they are so excited by your loving support!

It seems obvious when you read it, but in daily practice you might get a little lazy.

So right now, go let your partner know how freakin excited you are for them or with them about whatever “it” is!

As a reminder…. it’s only 13 days until Christmas!! Besides your over the top enthusiasm, you might want to purchase an autographed book….

***GUYS: Women LOVE when you read a book with them!!!***


Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness  On sale at only $10!
This is not your typical self-help book; Live Inspired Now is the rock concert of self improvement!

I Have A Guardian Angel 
This is a heart warming little book for those who believe that the people we love never really leave us. Suitable for all ages.

Be sure to include the name of the person you’d like me to sign the book to!

Thank you for being so very YOU! <3

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,
Heather Paris 
Email me:

Coaching is a holistic alternative to therapy. It’s faster, affordable, and highly effective! Just hit reply to this email if you’d like to know how coaching could help you or your family!

Does your child have a “guardian angel?” Check out my latest book with beautiful illustrations done by MY guardian angel: “I Have A Guardian Angel”    Order now to get it before Christmas!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!