83429084_180287326399817_2571008079546023936_nThad and I spent last week volunteering at the Isagenix conference and hanging with our friends who also attended.

Our dear friends Dave & Kate rented a big house with a pool and hot tub and invited friends to join them, and even had plenty of room out front for us to park our RV so we could stay and visit too!

One night, after a long day at the conference, we all sat in the hot tub and talked and laughed about our day. 

Thad makes a joke about farting in the hot tub, which he didn’t actually do, and another friend says this…

”I’m so glad you said that…. I’ve been farting all day!”

To which I straight faced replied “He was just joking.” 😬

Everyone just fell out laughing! 😂 😆 😝

Although it was really funny, and the woman who said it wasn’t too embarrassed, it was nice to get in that vulnerable place with each other!

The conversation got deeper and more connected and everyone had a really great time!

Sometimes we just need someone to break the ice and make it OK for us to be real with one another…. and it doesn’t have to be with a fart joke.

Too much of life is polished for social media, curated perfectly to convey just the right message when what we really need is some good old-fashioned human connection! 

I don’t know about everyone else, but that hot tub time was precious to me. ❤️

I admit that even when I’m not working- I’m working. My mind is trained to see opportunities so it was nice to shut my brain off and just laugh, connect, and love the people I was with! 

Are you looking for awesome people to connect with? Call or text me and ask me about joining my inner circle!

Hit me up on Facebook or at my info below and don’t forget to follow our adventures on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Call or Text: 607-592-6291
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Follow me on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Text Time To Say Goodbye appearing behind ripped brown paper.

We are getting on the road this Saturday! Heading out for our year long vegan road trip!! #RVeganRoadTrip

I’ve had to say “see ya later” to most people, but honestly, to some I’ve said “this is good-bye.” 

One of the biggest lessons that I’ve had to learn the hard way is to let go of people that don’t deserve to be in your life.

That doesn’t mean you have to be mean or even obvious about it, but sometimes saying good-bye is the best thing for you!

Walk away from toxic relationships. Quit soul-sucking jobs. Say good-bye to the friend that never has time for you. Ditch the drama party that happens in the hall outside your kids dance class. Don’t answer the phone when your in-laws call to complain. Dump Debbie or Dave Downer. 

I mean seriously. Like WTF. Stress really is the BIGGEST contributor to illness so why hang out with people, or in places that cause stress? It’s just SO not worth it.

Let’s make a pact to breathe a little deeper, walk a little further, and avoid participating in things, people, or places that suck the soul out of us? You in???

You don’t have to sell your home and belongings and move into an RV to make this a reality. Just say “this is good-bye” to stress, drama, and headaches!

Are you willing to say good-bye to stress? Need help? Hit me up on Facebook or at my info below and don’t forget to follow our journey on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

Here we GROW……………

With love, gratitude, and inspiration,

Heather Paris
Call or Text: 607-592-6291
Email me: heather@liveinspirednow.com
Follow me on YouTubeInstagram (@heatherparis) and Facebook!

No stress in our tribe!! You can join us and become a Certified Life Coach! Use it to create a coaching business, or use it to be a better parent, teacher, lawyer, doctor, friend… whatever!

Check it out: www.inspiredlifeschool.com

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Ugh… judgmental comments like….

  • “Are you really going to eat that, I thought you were on a diet?”
  • “Does your boss know you’re taking a full hour for lunch?”
  • “Ohhh, you let your kids go to the park by themselves?”

Frustrating right?

Well, getting angry, frustrated, or reacting gives away your power!!

Watch today’s short video and learn how to keep your power while shutting down the judgmental person in a gentle yet highly effective way!!

If you’ve ever dreamed of helping people turn their lives around, create happiness, or fix their broken relationship or family…. then please consider joining the Live Inspired Now Coach Training!

Experience has made me wise, coaching has shown me how to share that wisdom.

Your friends already come to your for advice…. add these practical coaching strategies to your toolbox and blow your friends mind with your awesomeness! Become a life coach…. get paid for what you already do, and make a huge impact on your world!

Live Inspired Now Coach Training Course

You can use your experience, combined with the skills you learn to help your children, students, friends, family members, or your community!

Join us today and share your gift with the world! 

Love and inspiration,

Heather Paris

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Once, many years ago, a friend of mine called me “obnoxious” because I always like to be doing things. I didn’t want to just stay home… I wanted to take road trips, go to conventions, and I always had some volunteering or service project that I was involved in.

She said it was obnoxious that I “always needed something to look forward to” as if I was never content and let me know that she believed she was far more “grounded” than I was.

It hurt my feelings. I felt judged for being an adventurer, and I felt rejected by her because she never cared enough to get involved in any of my projects, or even to ask about them.

The worst part of it all, was that I constantly questioned myself instead of looking at the source of the criticism. And that is common.

Criticism or judgment comes our way and we think “What’s wrong with ME” instead of asking ourselves “What’s wrong in this person’s life that they need to criticize me?” 

I lived like a prisoner to the opinion of other people for far too long and I didn’t speak up because I was afraid of hearing “I don’t want to be your friend anymore!”

I let people who would insult me have power over me! That’s just crazy!

So I learned to be brave enough to live life my way. I hope you will too!

Here are a few tips to be brave enough to live life your way:

1 Keep it real. Let’s face it, if someone is willing to dump you because you have an opinion, then they don’t deserve to be in your life anyway! Upgrade your tribe!

2 Embrace your supporters! You DO have someone in your life that is always supportive…. embrace them, thank them, and invite them to the celebration of YOU!

3 Realize that judgment is nothing more than an opinion. And do you want to live by the opinion of someone else, especially if he’s a jerk? No way!

4 Try it! Action will always make you feel brave! Over-thinking or prolonged planning will only hold you back from taking that first step!

5 Be aware and accepting! It’s OK to be afraid of doing, being, or trying… don’t beat yourself up! Admit you are afraid, accept that fear is normal, and go for it while you are still afraid!

6 Nobody ever died from judgment or rejection! Allow yourself to feel sad, hurt, embarrassed or whatever and then move on!

A friend (a real friend) once said to me, “I admire you, You are always so brave, you don’t care what other people think!”  I thought about that statement for a long time and responded… “I care what you think, but I no longer care what some people think. We only have limited, precious time on earth and I won’t squander that time on people that don’t appreciate me as I am.”

I honor who you are, and I hope you will honor YOU as well!

Love and Inspiration,


Want help with something you are struggling with? Contact me today!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!