
Your life, your choices, YOUR CONSEQUENCES!! Just a reminder to the kids that they are responsible for the consequences that come from the choices they make! If you are new to my site…. this is my “Mom’s Musing board” that hangs in my kitchen. I post daily notes, and schedules for the kids. I encourage everyone to have a communication board, it is a really helpful tool for organizing a family, and keeping everyone on the same page!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Sometimes you have to remind the kids about “giving 100%!” Be a little tough on the kids because life will be much tougher! (Notice I didn’t say cruel or mean.) Someday, when the kids are grown, they will appreciate that they can take responsibility for themselves, and society will appreciate that it doesn’t have to!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


My “Mom’s Musings” message to the kids today!

Wishes are great, but sitting on your butt waiting for a magic genie to deliver wishes is the biggest way to feel disappointed by your own life! If you want something, go out there and get it! YOU create your own life with your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and ACTIONS! Don’t just make a wish, take inspired action to make your dreams come true and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


Nobody likes that person who is constantly correcting everyone. You know who I mean… the person at school or work who constantly tells you why you are wrong, or how you used improper grammar, or the irritating busy body who challenges everything you say. I often feel bad for people like that… they have this constant need to validate themselves by proving to themselves that they are right, or that they are smarter than others. It is a symptom of low self esteem because they require validation to feel good about themselves.

I like to tell my kids that right is right no matter who knows it, and it is (generally speaking) rude to correct people. Proving others wrong will never make you smarter, and it certainly won’t make you more popular. Teach kids to cherish relationships more than superficial validation and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


We are most often the source of our own pain based on the choices that we make. Don’t create pain by living lies! Be honest, give people credit enough to be able to handle the truth, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!