Yesterday while listening to the radio in the morning, like we always do, the trivia question for the day was this: “What piece of household furniture is becoming obsolete?” The answer was the dining room table. They went on to say that most people don’t use a dining room table anymore. Most people eat in front of the television….. I think it was something like 74% of Americans eat in front of the television instead of as a family at a table.
Recently, I heard some of the teens I work with discussing a show called “Pretty Little Liars” so I decided to watch a few episodes on Netflix to see what all the buzz was about. OMG. Seriously??? This show is Desperate Housewives for teenagers! One young 16 year old is having a sexual relationship with her 26 year old teacher, another teen is always boozing it up, one of the girls is always alone with no guidance and all the adults are portrayed as morons, devoid of any values, and who have no clue what their kids are up to! THIS IS WHAT TODAY’S KIDS ARE WATCHING, GLORIFYING, AND PERSONIFYING! This is why we don’t have TV in our house… garbage!
I hate to sound old here but… remember the days when television shows had values? Take The Cosby Show, for instance. I loved that show! The parents were hands on, always made time for the kids, they ate together and encouraged one another, AND they showed affection. How many shows today are there where you see the parents hugging their kids before school and telling them that they love them? How many shows portray kids actually talking to their parents about something really important? Unfortunately, not the ones the kids are watching!
In my house growing up, we watched television every single night but not until after we ate dinner at the dining room table, cleaned the kitchen, did our homework. Then, and only then, did we watch television together with our parents. We would have never been allowed to watch shows like Pretty Little Liars or The Secret Life of the American Teenager. We watched Growing Pains, The Cosby Show, Who’s The Boss and others but, we watched them together. If there was ever a show in which they covered something “mature” then my parents would be there to discuss it.
Believe me dear readers, I am no prude. I love a good drama from time to time and even a horror movie or two, but we have to find the balance. No, I don’t mean a way to balance our dinner on our knee while watching the TV, I mean find the balance between mindless crap and healthy values. Share meals with your children and talk with them instead of watching TV; make it a priority. If you let your kids watch TV, watch with them and choose programs that don’t undermine the family. Remind your kids that the things they watch on TV do not represent real life. Remind them that in real life, there are consequences for their choices, that people actually have to have money to pay for things, that teenagers rarely look like super models all of the time and that reality TV is sensationalized, not reality. So today, hug your kids, tell them you love them, teach them the values you hold dear, and Live Inspired Now!

Need help getting your kids/family back on track? Contact me for a free consultation today!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Lao Tzu said “We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want.” The beauty of the outside pales in comparison to the beauty of your purpose in life. We can put on whatever false act we want, but what you are filled with from the inside is your true value. Are you filling your emptiness with purpose, peace, tranquility, joy, love, compassion, and kindness. Or are you giving your inner space over to drama, negativity, jealousy, anger, resentment and hatred? WE choose what to fill ourselves up with or we choose to remain empty and continue to worship the outside.
Let go of the past, of things that don’t make you happy or peaceful, let go of anything that hurts you or others. Let your inside be as beautiful as the outside, be completely honest about who you are, be free and open. Forgive the past so you can enjoy the present, decide to be at peace and Live Inspired Now.

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Recently someone was telling me about a harsh email they received and asked me to read it to see what I thought. I read it and thought it was perfectly fine, not harsh at all. I let them know that I didn’t think it was harsh but by the time they passed it around to at least 10 other people and got everyone else all riled up about it… they got what they were looking for. They were not looking for opinions, they were looking for validation. They wanted this email to be “harsh” because they had already decided they didn’t like the woman who sent it. In creating this drama that wasn’t really there, a person got their ego boosted, friends got to participate in tearing a person down, and the “harsh” email writer probably felt badly that her email was met with contention. Don’t just be careful about how YOU type or respond to people, also be careful how YOU read and hear people. Are you really reading a harsh email or is it just professional and to the point? Are you perpetuating drama by forwarding it to all of your friends and looking to have your malice validated? Think, type and read with compassion, don’t be so quick to judge the “voice tones” of the written word. Even if it is something mean spirited, harsh or meant to hurt, try to blow it off because it means they have the problem, not you. Don’t lower your standards, stay calm, take a deep breath, ignore and avoid drama and negativity and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Yesterday I was offline because I bought a new laptop and Thad had to transfer all my info over from the old laptop. The process took longer than anticipated so I was without my laptop for most of the day. At first I was a little anxious about being disconnected until I realized that I had an entire day untethered from my constant distraction! It was sort of exciting and as silly as it sounds, I felt FREE! I went to the gym, went to lunch with my husband, practiced piano then went to my lesson, mowed the lawn, meditated, mailed packages and even took a little walk. It felt great to not worry about checking emails, facebook, tweets, and instant messages. I think I forgot what it was like to be “offline.” (I did have my iPhone with me the entire time, but I made a point not to check it.)
Do you need a break from the computer? Personally, I do most of my work online with clients so I couldn’t go too long without it, but I think we all need a break from it once in a while. So if not today, at least plan a day to be “offline.” Take a break from the online distraction, do things in “real life” and Live Inspired Now. 

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

A few days ago I picked up my bestie Dawn to give her a ride to pick up her car at the repair shop. As is always the case with her and I, we took the long way and stopped for tea and did some shopping. I was really excited to talk to her, I was having a super great day full of good news and exciting new things. Which included, THIS blog being added to my local newspaper The Citizen.
After, laughing, shopping, getting caught up on events in our lives and more laughing, it was time to part ways. (I truly don’t understand why we are not comedians, we are hysterical… at least WE think so!) We hugged as we always do and I said “Hanging with you was the best part of my day!” Knowing what a great day I had, she stated, “well not the best part.” I stopped, looked at her and said, “Yes, yes it was. None of my good news matters at all if I don’t have anyone to share it with.” She “awwwed” and we both went on our way.
As I was driving home, I thought more about this simple yet profound concept. Isn’t it true that the things in our lives matter because we can share the excitement with someone. I would still be happy alone, but it would be far less exciting without someone to share the news with. I am so very blessed and grateful that I have such good relationships in my life. Friends, family, kids, colleagues, mentors, coaches and of course my amazing husband Thad. It is really true…. the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of your relationships. If you are struggling with the stress of strained relationships, get help today, don’t wait! Do YOU have someone really important to share all your news with? Today, upgrade your relationships, make sure they are healthy and happy and Live Inspired Now!

PS: I am a relationship expert! If you need help creating or recreating bonds in your life, don’t wait, connect with me today!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!