Photo on 7-31-14 at 3.42 PM

Recently a Facebook fan made a remark about my “perfect life,” and how easy it would be to be happy and inspired if they had such a perfect life too. Really? Me? Perfect life? Not so much! So I took this picture to show you how I am feeling today in particular. I have a summer cold. I have no make up on. My hair is frizzy. And today, I am fighting the urge to just go back to bed!

It is absolutely true that on Facebook, I post only positively motivated posts. I don’t like to share anything negative because I believe in the Law of Attraction which teaches us that what we put out into the world is what we get back. So yes, I am very careful about posting anything negative but that doesn’t mean that I am 100% positive and happy at all times. Far from it in fact, I get pissed off, irritated, and down right cranky sometimes…. BUT I refuse to LIVE there! I refuse to spend too much time in any one negative emotion such as sadness, anger, self-doubt or fear. When I have these feelings, I allow myself to feel them, work out WHY I am feeling them, process through the feeling, then let it go. If I wanted to hold onto it, I would refuse to acknowledge how I really feel, never figure out the real reason for feeling that way, and then post all over Facebook about how crappy I felt. Then, I could commiserate with tons of people who also wallow in self-pity! But that is just not my style!

So instead, I only post happy thoughts, positive posts, and I do my best to inspire others. No, I won’t complain about the huge pile of dirty laundry in my room, or the cranky teenager that was just snarky to me, or trying to figure out how to manage the schedules for 6+ people all summer, or the non stop driving for Mom’s Taxi service because none of my kids have drivers licenses yet, and no, I won’t even complain about the never-ending projects involved in getting our new home renovated. But know this…. just because I don’t complain about things doesn’t mean my life is perfect. It does however mean that I will continue to choose to focus on what I am grateful for, and for the fact that I woke up today!

I don’t live my life in ball gowns and glass slippers. I live my life one moment at a time, doing the best I can, and making the most of it! I am grateful for magic moments, date nights, and laughs. I am also grateful for the hardships because it gives me the opportunity to be resilient, and to appreciate the good times! So please, don’t ever think that my life is perfect…. my life is just like yours. In fact, don’t think anyone else has a perfect life… life isn’t about being perfect. It’s about connecting with others, being happy, and loving.

It’s all in what you choose to focus on, and devote your time to. Give your time to things that make you feel good, focus on the positive, get through the negative and move past it, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!


  1. Monica Chappell
    August 4, 2014

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    Wow!! I just have to say Thank you!! You NAILED IT WITH THIS OE THIS MORNING!! I have ha a crappy few days and last night being the peek on the crap pile!!! I rarely ever check my emails, but for some reason, I decided to check it this morning during my first cup of coffee!! So happy that I did!! While reading I found several emotions and feelings that I neede to work through and by the middle of the reading I stopped and thought to myself. ..”I sure hope she suggests a way to ‘process’ and work through this CRAP, because I am DEAD tired of feeling it and I want to build a bridge!! I always love reading your blogs!! Sure enough…the problem and suggestins for a solution were right there in the last part of it!!! Thank you so much for just being yourself….Perfect life with all of its imperfections!! Ha!! We really can still choose to be happy even when stuff doesnt go our way!! We really do not have to live in the problem!! I do not have to rehash and over think all of the things going wrong…Wow!! What a freedom!! I hope you have a FANTABULOUS DAY!!

  2. Peg
    August 4, 2014

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    Great post Heather keepin it real AND happy!

  3. Don Fuggle
    August 4, 2014

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    Love your honesty and openness.

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