
No matter how many times I see this picture, it ALWAYS inspires me! It reminds me that you just never know how close you are, so don’t give up! This week I started working out again. I am a little sore but feeling great about doing what I need to do to stay healthy and fit. The past few weeks I have been focusing on “lightening up.” Not physically lighter, but mentally. I have always had a tendency to strive for personal perfection, and in the past few years I have been working on not trying to be perfect, rather just trying to be me! But as we all know… old habits die-hard sometimes, so I am working on it again. Yes, it’s true, I am NOT perfect, nor should I try to be!

Even us coaches have to work on our own personal growth and development and I am working on remembering to go easy on myself. I don’t have to be a perfect parent, a perfect partner, or a perfect anything! I can just be me, and that is enough! Not only is it enough, it’s exceptional! Ahhh…. the relief of letting go and being free. Yesterday I posted this on Facebook: “Nobody expects you to be perfect, so stop expecting that of yourself!”

Don’t aim for perfection, just go for being yourself. Do the best you can and don’t give up because you are closer than you think, and Live INSPIRED now! (Notice I said INSPIRED, not perfect!)

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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