The Live Inspired Now Coach Training is for people who want to learn how to make a difference in their family, community, and in the world!
The BIG advantage with Live Inspired Now Coach Training:
- – Full support: Other coaching programs do not offer support.
- – We are ONLY accepting 30 students for the April 2017 class!
- – No costly up sells: this is the FULL program!
- – Optional student mentoring.
- – The training is yours for life, the program does not go away.
- – One on one support is directly with Heather Paris, or one of her team members!
- – Use one on one time for homework help, coaching sessions, or course support! (Free coaching ends upon graduation)
What will you gain from taking this course?
Emotional intelligence is the common factor in happy marriages, healthy kids, and the most successful people. The Live Inspired Now Coach Training is designed to teach you emotional intelligence and much more, then give you the strategies you need to teach others… your children, your friends / family, your students, or if you decide to make it a business… your coaching clients!
Email: / Call or Text: 1-607-269-7815
“Heather Paris comes with strong answers and encourages you to look at situations differently.” -Sandra Johnson
What exactly is life coaching?
Life coaching is a partnership between a trained professional and a client who wants to create a better life. A life coach can help you overcome challenges by examining whats going on in your life right now, and creating a plan of action to make your life the way you want it to be.
How long will it take me to become a Live Inspired Now life coach?
The program is designed to take 12 months. You will be required to complete all 12 modules and submit homework for review to receive your certification. Please do not be fooled by “4 hour internet coach training” programs, they will not sufficiently train you to help people in a deep and effective way. You need training, practice, and support!
Yes! You may complete the program early, or take extra time if you like. It’s “go at your own pace!”
“Everyone needs a little fine tuning and the approach here doesn’t beat you up but lifts you up.” -Christine Pheanis
The 12 modules included are:
- -Getting Started
- -Relationship Repair & Strategies
- -Mindfulness
- -Positive Psychology
- -The Power Of Story / Connection
- -Personal Growth
- -Personal Development
- -High Level Communication
- -Family Strategies
- -Professionalism & Accountability
- -Public Speaking / Workshops
- -Your Coaching Business
“Heather Paris (Live Inspired Now) is the ideal professional who will take you by the hand, and show you step by step, using her expertise as a strategic interventionist, how to improve your life and reach your maximum potential.”
-Estee Levinson, Personal Life Coach
Email: / Call or Text: 1-607-269-7815
How much does all this cost?
You pay only $125. per month for 12 months. That’s it!
After 12 months, with completion of your homework, you will be a certified “Inspired Life Coach” through the Live Inspired Now© Coach Training. The total cost of $1500 gets you the full training, free office hours, and free admission to any of our “Get Fired Up” events at our location in Port Byron, NY. (Just pay for any guests that you bring.)
Class begins again in April 2017!! Sign up and hold your spot now:
“I made this training less expensive than other coaching programs because I wanted to make it as accessible as possible because this material supports my mission to strengthen families and improve the lives of young people!” -Heather Paris
Graduation Requirements:
- – All homework must be completed and handed in.
- – You must complete 1 hour of community service per month- *Inspired Life Coaches are go-givers!*
- – Practice your coaching skills on your family, friends, or other students.
- – There is no deadline to complete course and you have lifetime access to all course materials.
Additional Information:
- – This program has no basis in religion and is open to anyone who wants to learn to be a well trained, inspired life coach.
- – We do promote compassion, service, and authenticity.
- – While we do cover “Your coaching business” in the final module, this is not a business course.
- – Your certification is from Live Inspired Now©. We are not affiliated with or accredited by the ICF.
- – You are responsible for your own results in this training and as a life coach.
- – You are welcome to join any of our live “Get Fired Up” and “Breathwork” events in Port Byron, NY free of charge!
- – Free coaching sessions end upon graduation.
- – Heather is a go-giver and likes to send random cards and gifts, please don’t be surprised if goodies show up in your mailbox!
“The coaching program has been a guiding light for me in a tumultuous year. When we begin to contemplate how to help others, it brings our own existence into laser like focus. So the aha moments happen all the time.” -Josh P.
“Heather has helped me discover the love that I have for people that I wasn’t using. My connection with my wife has improved greatly! I also have a better understanding of communication!” -CL
“I am just genuinely grateful for meeting you, Heather. You have helped me (this course, as well) to create and nurture healthy relationships. You have taught me things that have ended up being so beneficial to my and
the girls life.” -Katie D.
“The modules are thorough but not overwhelming and very practical steps and ideas are included. Glad to be in your course! It was perfect timing.” -Isabelle S.
Live Inspired Now Holiday party!
Coaches serving at the rescue mission!
Empowerment workshop!
Heather speaking to the Future Business Leaders of America in Auburn, NY.
Coaches serving at the rescue mission.
Coaches serving meals at Christmas time.
Coaches Carrie, Katie, and Heather after presenting the Family Wellness Event in Syracuse, NY.
Heather speaking at a high school in Romulus, NY.
Coaches learning communication skills!
Heather and some of the new coaches at a Firewalk!
Coaches helping to build a local playground!