67e70775-7628-4f2b-b3c7-209a0e039d75One year ago today, “Carrie,” who was my best friend for 30 years, died. She had cancer.

I don’t know if it’s an “American” thing, or if people everywhere feel this way, but we seem to have a very unrealistic idea of death. We think we have nothing but time and then are almost offended when it comes to an end. Expecting that each of us should live until we have reached an acceptable age for death.

What if we changed our perception of death? What if we accepted that death will come, and decided to live accordingly? What if we just lived each day, as if it were our first and last day of life?

If today was my first day of life, I would look at everything with wonder and amazement. I would be excited and enthusiastic. I would smile, laugh, run, and jump!

If today was my last day of life, I would tell everyone how much I love them. I would hug, kiss, snuggle, and stay as close as possible. I would leave nothing unsaid, nothing undone, and nothing unappreciated.

Life is full of happiness, beauty, love, music, nature, babies, puppies, waterfalls, food, people, technology, fun, colors, entertainment, and…. opportunities!

Opportunities to live and love, not just exist!

Today I choose to be happy, to celebrate life, and to love hard! I will remember fond memories, and spend my day creating new fond memories!

What will you choose for today?

Ask yourself:
-If today was my first day of life, what would I do?
-If today was my last day of life, what would I do?
-Why aren’t I doing these things today?

*Click here to read “Saying Goodbye To A Friend,” my post about Carrie.*



Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

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