Recently I was speaking with a client who expressed to me that she was afraid she would never feel truly good about her relationship and that she was feeling resentful. I knew things had been going well recently so I wondered what was different. She had spent time that day telling another friend all about the troubles her and her boyfriend had gone through in the past with affairs. She asked me why she felt so crappy when things had been going well.
This is what I told her: “You don’t know how bad standing or stagnate water smells until you stir it up.” If the swamp is just sitting there, you never smell it, but when you start wading around in it, you smell how gross it is. This is the same with what we focus on. If you sit and talk about all the bad things that happened in the past, you will feel bad. Don’t mire yourself in the stench….. break that pattern and ONLY talk about the good stuff! Talk about the things your boyfriend and you have been doing lately, all the great moments and laughs you have shared. There really is no reason to revisit history unless you want to keep feeling badly about it.
She totally got what I was saying and it helped her to remember that although things aren’t perfect, they are still really good and they have both worked hard to make their relationship so much better!
Today, focus solely on the positive, feel great, be grateful, smile, listen to happy music, tell only positive uplifting stories, and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

How often do you look to others to validate what you are doing? You do not need another person’s permission to be great! I often hear people say “I don’t want to do it until someone else does” or they won’t express their true feelings about something until someone else makes it OK to do so. You don’t have to make sure that others feel the same way to know if you are right. You don’t have to wait until someone else “goes in” before you, so you know you are not alone. Empower yourself to do, say, think, act, react and interact however YOU feel is right despite what anyone else does or doesn’t do! You are the ONLY one who lives inside your head, you are the only one who has to be comfortable with yourself when you lay your head on your pillow, you are the ONLY person who reflects back when you look in the mirror. You do not need anyone else to “make it OK” for you to be you! You will never need permission to take a stand, to rebel, to say what you feel, to try something new, to like or dislike something, to do what you feel is right for your kids, to be fabulous or to be quiet and reserved, you don’t need permission to be YOU!
So today, step with comfort into your own self realization and tell anyone who doesn’t like it that their opinion of you is none of your business! Be authentic, ignore and avoid all judgement by others, love who you are and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

You know it’s a slippery slope when you start making bad decisions or lowering standards. That “one time” you tried something that was not in alignment with your core values, that “one person” you knew you should have avoided, or that “one place” you said you would never go to. Just as soon as we allow ourselves to take the first step toward destruction, it becomes like a slippery slope and we slide all the way down until we crash at the bottom. The next time you are tempted to engage in something risky like drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, over indulging, or flirting with disaster, remember who you are, and who you would never want to become before making that decision! It takes more courage and integrity to do what is right and maintain your standards and then you won’t have to pack your bags for “loserville!” Once you move to “loserville” or “crazytown,” it becomes MUCH harder to get out…. so just don’t go there! You have all heard the stories of lovely people who just tried something once and got hooked and it ruined their life. The best way to prevent falling down a slippery slope is by never standing on the edge! So today, promote positive living by avoiding risky or unhealthy practices, set a great example of maintaining high standards and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

Don’t wait for tragedy to remind you to live a full life, to express your true emotions, and to make time for those who are important. Every time our country faces a tragedy people start to really think about what is important and they start to prioritize things differently. Unfortunately, after some time has passed we tend to revert back to our old ways… working too much, forgetting to tell people we love them, ignoring our feelings, focusing on the negative and slowly crawling back into our “comfort zone.” Life begins outside of that comfort zone, that is why tragedy shakes us up so much, it reminds us that we are not truly in control and that anything can happen. Don’t wait for tragedy to strike to remind us how important it is to truly live and love life and all that it has to offer. Don’t wait for tragedy to remind you to appreciate our military, law enforcement, first responders, and all other hero’s that walk amongst us. Today, and EVERYDAY, get outside of your comfort zone, express your feelings for others, be grateful for your many blessings, tell people you love them, spend time with those you love, do a random act of kindness, do something to thank our “everyday hero’s” and Live Inspired Now… not later… NOW!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!

I am so pumped up about the workshops I taught yesterday. I met so many great people and as always, I was inspired! During the second workshop a man asked about letting go. He was wondering how long to continue fighting for someone that didn’t want him back. I talked to him about detachment and letting go. I told him that holding on to things too hard causes them to break and I asked him who this was really about.
If someone has clearly expressed that they do not want to be with you yet you continue to push, fight, stalk, call, text or obsess over the person or the relationship, it is NOT about the other person. You don’t “love” them, you are working out of a place of ego. It is all about you and what you want. Your desires, your emotions, your need and that can be extremely overwhelming to another person. If you truly loved someone, you would let them go. In many cases, when you do let them go and they see that you are willing to put their needs and wants first, that is when they see how selfless you are and that can create a deeper connection. The old cliche is true: If you love someone let them go…. if they come back then it was meant to be. I also reminded him that some of the best things in life have resulted when you let go of what you think you need so much. I talked breakups; when we go through a break up it hurts but then down the road when you find that truly amazing relationship, you are grateful for the past breakups because it brought you to today. If you had not let go, you might still be miserable and never had found the right person!
It is all about letting go and realizing that we do not control anyone but ourselves. The best way to live inspired and to have good people around us is to treat ourselves well. Magic moments are always filled with kindness. We need to be kind to ourselves and trust that things will work out. We don’t have to hold on to everything and everyone so tightly, we can let go and trust that it will all work out for the best. People deserve loving, kind relationships with others who truly appreciate them and want to share their life with them.
Is it time for YOU to let go of something or someone? What are the consequences if you don’t? Think about letting go, trusting the Universe and Live Inspired Now!

Heather Paris inspires people all over the world to create happier lives through talks, workshops, blog posts, and her book, Live Inspired Now; A Field Guide For Happiness. For more information about transforming your relationship, family, or your life, contact Heather today!